I have an issue with go.Indicator chart type in Jupyter notebook.
I am using plotly 4.6.0.
It seems like the Indicator chart type is no more supporte, because whatever data, properties I set I only get the empty chart
I think your issue might have to do with the characters you are using to delinate strings in your code. Notice the difference between " and “, and also between ' and ‘!
import plotly.graph_objects as go
fig = go.Figure(go.Indicator(mode = "number+gauge+delta", gauge = {'shape': 'bullet'},
delta = {'reference': 300}, value = 220, domain = {'x': [0.1, 1], 'y': [0.2, 0.9]},
title = {'text': 'Avg order size'}))
hm…I have no clue why those strange characters appeared, since I have just copied an example from
however it does not matter in my notebook, whatever I plot I got the same empty chart…this is really strange
Even in a new notebook I try only simple number indicator
Can you please check which version of plotly.py you are running in your notebook? The following code should do it.
import plotly
Also, it would be useful to know which renderer is active in your notebook:
import plotly.io as pio
And also, are you able to create and display other types of figures, such as a bar or a pie chart? Or does this issue only occur with Indicator figures?