Hello I am looking for help - When I run this code in local notebook I can see text in hover.
But in the dashboard the text is blank -
![Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 10.30.00 AM](https://us1.discourse-cdn.com/flex020/uploads/plot/original/3X/0/d/0dad814621b62ca7702052ac1644c30d3c273075.png)
dbc.Row([dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(id="EDA_hist")),dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(id="EDA_boxplot"))],className="g-0", style = { 'columnCount': 2,"display":'inline-block',"align":'middle'}),
When I remove ‘columnCount’: 2, from style the problem is fixed! But I want it to be in a column… Does anyone understand this behavior?
Edit: I resolved by making the graph a subplot instead.