Lately I have been having problems using the CDN
<script src=""></script>
So I decided to install the modules with npm but now I have problems with the plotly_hover event since it is only launched when I hover over the graph and before with the CDN in any area of the graph layer it was executed, this is the configuration that worked for me before
Plotly.newPlot(this.layer, [{
name: 'kline',
type: 'candlestick',
x: this.oTime,
high: this.jpn.high,
low: this.jpn.low,
close: this.jpn.close,
hoverinfo: 'none',
increasing: {
fillcolor: this.colorUp,
line: {
color: this.colorUp,
width: 1
decreasing: {
fillcolor: this.colorDown,
line: {
color: this.colorDown,
width: 1
}], {
dragmode: 'pan',
barmode: 'stack',
showlegend: false,
paper_bgcolor: 'transparent',
plot_bgcolor: 'transparent',
hoverdistance: 1,
spikedistance: -1,
autosize: true,
margin: {
r: parseInt(this.priceLabel.outerWidth()),
b: parseInt(2 * this.dateLabel.outerHeight()),
l: 0,
t: 0,
pad: 0
xaxis: {
type: 'date',
ticks: 'outside',
ticklen: 0,
color: 'white',
linecolor: '#888888',
linewidth: 1,
gridcolor: '#444444',
gridwidth: 1,
spikecolor: '#888888',
spikethickness: -2,
spikedash: 'dash',
spikemode: 'across',
spikesnap: 'hovered data',
side: 'bottom',
mirror: false,
anchor: 'y',
overlaying: false,
range: this.range.x,
rangeslider: {
visible: false
yaxis: {
type: 'linear',
ticks: 'outside',
tickformat: `.${this.Exinfo.fixPrice}f`,
color: 'white',
linecolor: '#888888',
linewidth: 1,
gridcolor: '#444444',
gridwidth: 1,
spikecolor: '#888888',
spikethickness: -2,
spikedash: 'dash',
spikemode: 'across',
spikesnap: 'cursor',
zeroline: false,
exponentformat: 'none',
domain: this.domain,
range: this.range.y
displayModeBar: false,
doubleClick: true,
scrollZoom: true,
showEditInChartStudio: true,
plotlyServerURL: '',
responsive: true
What changes do I need to apply to make it work again?