Plotly Express Line graph using fig.update_xaxes is blank

Hi. The goal is to create a chart with

  1. price values,
  2. a trend line (“ols”) overlay, and
  3. excluding weekend data.

However, after many tries using the code below, nothing works - it’s always blank or does not include one the chart goals listed above.

It has the following parameters:

  • X axis is date time
  • Y axis is float
  • dataframe is 7,500 rows


  • Python language
  • MacBook Pro M1, running latest version of MacOS
  • I’ve tried using plotly.graph_objects too
  • Python is 3.9.13
  • Plotly Express is 5.8.2

Has anyone been able to create a graph like this on a Mac M1? If so can you post code snippets?




   fig = px.scatter(df, x = "dateandtime"
                            , y = "Close"
                         # , color = "continent"
                         , log_x = False
                         , trendline = "ols"
                         # , trendline_options = dict(log_x = False)
                         , trendline_scope = "trace"
                         ,  title = "Test"
                         ,  height = 500

        # fig = px.scatter(df, x = df['dateandtime'], y = df['Close'])
        # fig = px.scatter(df, x = "dateandtime", y = "Close", trendline = "ols")
        # fig = px.scatter(df, x = "dateandtime", y = "Close")
        # fig = px.scatter(df, x = df['dateandtime'],y = df['Close'], trendline = "ols")
        # fig = go.Figure([go.Scatter(x = df['dateandtime'], y = df['Close'])], trendline = "ols")
        # fig = px.scatter(df, x = "total_bill", y = "tip", trendline = "ols")

        # fig = go.Figure([go.Scatter(x = df['dateandtime'], y = df['Close'])])
        # fig = px.line(x = df['dateandtime'], y = df['Close'])
        # fig = px.scatter(x = df['dateandtime'], y = df['Close'])
        # fig = px.scatter(df, x = 'dateandtime', y = 'Close')
        # fig = px.scatter(df, x = 'dateandtime', y = 'Close', )
        # fig = px.Figure([go.Scatter(x = df['dateandtime'], y = df['Close'])])

        fig.update_xaxes(rangeslider_visible = True,
            rangebreaks = [# NOTE: Below values are bound (not single values), ie. hide x to y
                dict(bounds=["sat", "mon"]),  # hide weekends, eg. hide sat to before mon
                dict(bounds=[13, 6.5], pattern="hour"),  # hide hours outside of 9.30am-4pm
                dict(values = ["2022-12-25", "2023-01-01"])  # hide holidays (Christmas and New Year's, etc)

Plotly does not create trend lines at all! After rebuilding my project on my WINDOWS workstation, the same error occurs!

Executing the code using either px or go, attempting a trend line ALWAYS fails and throws the error:

Bad property path:

There are a few thousand lines of code in the rest of my app. All work well. But Plotting has been a miserable experience.

At this point, I’ve lost complete faith in Plotly. I’ll need to try Matplotlib, seaborn, or one of the others.

Good bye,
