Hello. I am quite new at Plotly. I have created a Plotly scatterplot using (plotly.graph_objects.figure) but seems I cannot generate trendlines so I have generated a trendline with Plotly express but I cannot put the trendline in the plotly scatterplot. Any help would be appreciated!
Hello @edublan, please post some code so that we can comment on the code your wrote. Can’t you use px.scatter
both for plotting the scatter data and the trendline as in https://plot.ly/python/linear-fits/#linear-fit-trendlines-with-plotly-express ? If you can’t, you can retrieve the trace corresponding to the trendline and add it to another figure as follows
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
tips = px.data.tips()
fig = px.scatter(tips, x="total_bill", y="tip", trendline="ols")
trendline = fig.data[1] # second trace, first one is scatter
fig2 = go.Figure()
Please also see the doc page https://plot.ly/python/creating-and-updating-figures/ for more details about figure, traces, layout and how to create and update these objects. Hope this helps!
Thanks. I did not used plotly express for everything as I belive the advenced editing can only be done in plotly…am I right?
Your suggestion seems to work but the regression line is not properly calculated…this is the code I have:
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly.express as px
import numpy as np
df2018 = pd.read_excel (‘Test.xlsx’, sheet_name=‘2018’).iloc[:21]
fig4 = go.Figure()
fig4.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df2018[‘Ratio of 5/10’], y=df2018[‘10 Year Benefits’],
fig = px.scatter(df2018, x=df2018[‘Ratio of 5/10’].astype(float), y=df2018[‘GHG Benefit Scores’].astype(float), trendline=“ols”)
trendline = fig.data[1]
You do not use the same data (not the same y
) in the two figures so it’s normal that the trendline is not what you would expect. You can use plotly express to generate a figure and then tune the layout and traces using the different update_*
methods. In your example, you could call update_layout
(etc.) on fig
, the figure created by plotly express. Please see https://plot.ly/python/creating-and-updating-figures/#updating-figures for more explanations about creating and updating figures.
Sorry that was a mistake from my part. Using now the same variables. Thanks! That works!!
im trying to do as instructed in the https://plot.ly/python/linear-fits/#linear-fit-trendlines-with-plotly-express link but all i get is a new variable called results that containes: “<statsmodels.regression.linear_model.RegressionResultsWrapper object at 0x000001DC03A79488>”
im using Spyder.
am i missing something?