Plotly Express: choropleth map legends aren't the same

Hello everyone,

I’m using plotly express for the choropleth map it offers and my first graph is what I wanted the legend look like (reference below)

However, I tried making another map with the same format and the legend doesn’t match to the map I made before but I can’t figure out why this is the case, I tried a couple things but nothing worked (reference to legend that I wish to fix below)

If it helps this is my code for the map that has my desired legend

fig = px.choropleth(
            # locations, using dataframe column 'state_name' it somehow understands that idk, color highlights the important part
            data_frame=df, locations="state_name",locationmode="USA-states", scope="usa",color=INSURED_VS_POP_COLUMN,
            title="Percentage of Uninsured Population by State - 2020",
            # when i hover i want to emphasize something/ make it bold (hover_name)
            # i want to display certain data when i hover over something (hover_data)
            hover_name=self.state_names, hover_data={'state_name': False,"uninsured_amt": True, "insured_amt": True, "population": True, INSURED_VS_POP_COLUMN: True},
            # rename columns to something more meaningful
            labels={"insured_amt": "Amount Of People Insured", "uninsured_amt": "Amount Of People Uninsured",
                    "population": "Number Of People Used For The Data",
                    INSURED_VS_POP_COLUMN: "Percentage Of State Uninsured",

and below is the code that isn’t showing the same type of legend the code above has

fig = px.choropleth(
            data_frame=df,locations=STATE_ABREV_COLUMN,locationmode="USA-states", scope="usa",
            title="Percentage of Poverty Population by State - 2020",
            hover_data={STATE_ABREV_COLUMN: False},
            labels={PERCENT_OF_PPL_IN_POV_COLUMN: "Percent Of People In Poverty"}

If anyone could help me understand what’s going on, or help me resolve this issue that would be amazing thank you!

In each graph, is the data type of the color setting column an integer or a float, and is the color column in the second graph a string?

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The color column in the second graph was a string… I forgot to change the type of it, thank you so much!!