Hi all, I have two graphs to render but one always rendered as black with randoms axis, BUT the same code works just fine in plotly. I’m pretty new to Dash, and thanks in advance.
1 **strong text**
2 import dash
3 import dash_core_components as dcc
4 import dash_html_components as html
5 from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
7 import plotly
8 import plotly.plotly as py
9 import plotly.figure_factory as ff
10 import plotly.graph_objs as go
11 from plotly import tools
13 import pandas as pd
14 import numpy as np
15 import json
16 from database import basedb
17 from arctic import Arctic
18 from arctic.date import DateRange
20 app = dash.Dash(__name__)
21 app.layout = html.Div(
22 className='here',
23 children= [
24 html.Div(),
25 html.Div([
26 html.H4("est"),
27 dcc.Graph(id='graph-15'),
28 dcc.Interval(
29 id='trigger-15',
30 interval=2 * 1000, # in milliseconds
31 n_intervals=0
32 )
33 ]),
34 html.Div(),
35 html.Div([
36 html.H4("test"),
37 dcc.Graph(id='graph-16'),
38 dcc.Interval(
39 id='trigger-16',
40 interval=3 * 1000, # in milliseconds
41 n_intervals=0
42 )
43 ])
44 # html.Div([
45 # html.H4('XBT Trades Minitor'),
46 # html.Div(id='table-15min'),
47 # dcc.Graph(id='graph-15min'),
48 # dcc.Interval(
49 # id='interval-15min',
50 # interval=10 * 1000, # in milliseconds
51 # n_intervals=0
52 # )
53 # ])
54 ]
55 )
57 cli = basedb.BaseDB()
58 cli.load_config('../docs/config/my_db.json')
59 conn, db, auth = cli.connect_server()
60 store = Arctic(conn)
61 lib = store['trades']
63 # @app.callback(Output('text-15', 'children')
64 # [Input('cache', 'children')])
65 # def update_metrics(n):
66 # style = {'padding': '5px', 'fontSize': '16px'}
67 # rng = DateRange(start=pd.Timestamp("now") - pd.Timedelta(minutes=15))
68 # df = lib.read('XBT', rng)
69 # # df_json = json.loads(jsonfied_data)
70 # # df = pd.read_json(df_json)[df.index > pd.Timestamp("now") - pd.Timedelta(minutes=15)]
71 # sell_vol = df['s'].resample("1min").sum()
72 # total_vol = df['v'].resample("1min").sum()
73 # vol_to_12ma = total_vol.rolling(12).mean()
74 # sell_to_12ma = sell_vol.rolling(12).mean()
75 # return [
76 # html.Span('Volume / Volume 12MA: {0:.2f}'.format(total_vol/vol_to_12ma), style=style),
77 # html.Span('Sell / Sell 12MA: {0:.2f}'.format(sell_vol/ sell_to_12ma), style=style),
78 # ]
80 configs = {
81 '300s' : {
82 'length' : 300,
83 'resample' : '1s',
84 },
85 '15min' : {
86 'length' : 15,
87 'resample' : '5s',
88 },
89 '60min' : {
90 'length' : 60,
91 'resample' : '1min',
92 },
93 '240min' : {
94 'length' : 240,
95 'resample' : '5min',
96 },
97 }
98 def compose_graph(conf_key):
99 rng = DateRange(start=pd.Timestamp("now") - pd.Timedelta(seconds=conf_key['length']))
100 df = lib.read('XBT', rng)
101 sell_vol = df['s'].resample(conf_key['resample']).sum()
102 total_vol = df['v'].resample(conf_key['resample']).sum()
103 st = df['s'].sum()
104 vt = df['v'].sum()
105 low = df.p.min()
106 high = df.p.max()
107 dd = df.groupby(pd.cut(df['p'], np.linspace(low, high, num=50))).sum()
108 return
109 {
110 'data': [
111 go.Bar(
112 x = dd['v'].values,
113 y = np.linspace(low, high, num=50),
114 name = 'Volume',
115 orientation = 'h',
116 opacity = 0.6,
117 marker = dict(
118 color = 'rgba(22, 166, 166)'
119 )
120 ),
121 go.Bar(
122 x = dd['s'].values,
123 y = np.linspace(low, high, num=50),
124 name = 'Sell Volume',
125 orientation = 'h',
126 opacity = 1,
127 marker = dict(
128 color = 'rgba(255, 0, 0)'
129 )
130 ),
131 go.Bar(
132 x = total_vol.index,
133 y = total_vol,
134 name = 'Volume',
135 opacity = 0.6,
136 marker = dict(
137 color = 'rgba(22, 166, 166)'
138 ),
139 xaxis = "x2",
140 yaxis = "y2"
141 ),
142 go.Bar(
143 x = sell_vol.index,
144 y = sell_vol,
145 name = 'Sell Volume',
146 opacity = 1,
147 marker = dict(
148 color = 'rgba(255, 0, 0)'
149 ),
150 xaxis = "x2",
151 yaxis = "y2"
152 ),
153 go.Pie(
154 name = "exchange volume",
155 labels=['gdax', 'bitfinex', 'binance', 'huobi', 'okex'],
156 values = [
157 df[df['e'] == 0]['v'].sum(),
158 df[df['e'] == 1]['v'].sum(),
159 df[df['e'] == 2]['v'].sum(),
160 df[df['e'] == 3]['v'].sum(),
161 df[df['e'] == 5]['v'].sum()
163 ],
164 domain = {
165 'x':[0.7, 1],
166 'y':[0.5, 1]
167 }
168 ),
169 go.Pie(
170 name = "SVR",
171 labels=['Sell', 'Toval'],
172 values = [
173 st, vt
174 ],
175 domain = {
176 'x':[0.7, 1],
177 'y':[0, 0.5]
178 }
179 )
180 ],
181 'layout' : {
182 title= 'SVR 300 seconds',
183 height = 480,
184 width= 1440,
185 xaxis= {
186 'title': 'Size XBT',
187 "anchor": "x",
188 "domain": [0, 0.35]
189 },
190 yaxis= {
191 'title': 'Price',
192 "anchor": "x",
193 "domain": [0, 1],
194 },
195 xaxis2= {
196 'title': 'Time',
197 "anchor": "x",
198 "domain": [0.35, 0.7]
199 },
200 yaxis2= {
201 'title': 'Size XBT',
202 "anchor": "x2",
203 "domain": [0, 1],
204 },
205 barmode= 'overlay'
206 }
207 }
209 def draw(yr):
210 df = pd.read_csv(
211 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/'
212 'datasets/master/gapminderDataFiveYear.csv')
213 filtered_df = df[df.year == yr]
214 traces = []
215 for i in filtered_df.continent.unique():
216 df_by_continent = filtered_df[filtered_df['continent'] == i]
217 traces.append(go.Scatter(
218 x=df_by_continent['gdpPercap'],
219 y=df_by_continent['lifeExp'],
220 text=df_by_continent['country'],
221 mode='markers',
222 opacity=0.7,
223 marker={
224 'size': 15,
225 'line': {'width': 0.5, 'color': 'white'}
226 },
227 name=i
228 ))
230 return {
231 'data': traces,
232 'layout': go.Layout(
233 xaxis={'type': 'log', 'title': 'GDP Per Capita'},
234 yaxis={'title': 'Life Expectancy', 'range': [20, 90]},
235 margin={'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 10, 'r': 10},
236 legend={'x': 0, 'y': 1},
237 hovermode='closest'
238 )
239 }
241 @app.callback(Output('graph-16', 'figure'),
242 [Input('trigger-16', 'n_intervals')])
243 def update_graph_live(n):
244 return compose_graph(configs['300s'])
246 @app.callback(Output('graph-15', 'figure'),
247 [Input('trigger-15', 'n_intervals')])
248 def update_graph_live(n):
249 return draw(1977)
251 if __name__ == '__main__':
252 app.run_server(
253 debug=True,
254 host='',
255 threaded=True)