Plot a contour over a satellite map

Hi there,

Is there any way to create a contour overlay on a satellite map?
All I have found are charts with a line trace which draws the map and a contour trace on the same chart.

like this -

I would like something akin to this -


We don’t offer a “contour on mapbox maps” trace type at the moment. You can try computing the contour lines yourself on plotting them as scattermapbox trace with mode: 'lines' for the time being. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Dear developer team,

has there been any change on that subject yet?
I’m finding myself in a situation in which I need to overlay a contour plot over a satellite-image just like it is possible with all the other mapbox-functions, such as go.Densitymapbox() etc.

Thanks in advance for letting me know.

Here is a demo that may be of interest.

Thanks @archmoj, that’s could be a good workaround for some use cases.

Nevertheless, to have real contours which don’t vanish or deform/merge when zooming in or out, I’ve made use of the folium package.
Funny enough, as of today they haven’t implemented a real proper filled contour plotting function either, but via matplotlib and other packages, it is possible to plot filled contours in folium accepting a small detour involving GeoJSON - format:

I hope this helps anyone who is in search for proper contour plots on interactive maps.
In the meanwhile, I also hope and suggest the plotly-team to implement a proper (filled) contour plot functionality.
Thanks in advance for consideration :slight_smile:


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