Pip install full-calendar-component 📅

Hey @clemen ,

Welcome to the plotly form. At the moment their is no gotoDate or an equivalent start_date prop setup so you can’t define a date via a date picker and use that to change the display of the calendar. Once a calendar is rendered, whatever you set as the initialDate is what it will always render on.

However the headertoolbar title seems to be working for me, its based on the initialDate, you can try initialDate=f"2024-01-17" and you’ll see July 17 within the title, also looks like you set it up correctly with the:

                "left": "prev,next today",
                "center": "title",
                "right": "listWeek,timeGridDay,timeGridWeek,dayGridMonth",

So not an ideal response, can only confirm no way of changing a date of a calendar’s render from an outside component after its been rendered. But the title should work. However I’ll look into building a start_date or gotoDate prop and see if I can get a solution setup for the next release.

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