still under development (most of the major aspects are setup but some props and functionality might be a little buggy)
please look through my repo and offer some support with development if you can.
pip install dash-charty
Usage Example
from dash import *
import dash_charty
import json
from flask import jsonify
app = Dash(__name__)
# Load data from JSON files
data = []
for i in range(6):
with open(f'data/overview_{i}.json') as f:
data_dict = {i: data[i] for i in range(6)}
themes = [{
'name': 'dark',
'grid': { 'color': '#fff', 'alpha': 0.1, 'markerFillColor': '#242f3e' },
'legend': { 'background': '#1c2533', 'color': '#fff' },
'preview': { 'maskColor': '#304259', 'maskAlpha': 0.6, 'brushColor': '#56626D', 'brushBorderAlpha': 0, 'handleColor': '#fff' },
'xAxis': { 'textColor': '#A3B1C2', 'textAlpha': 0.6 },
'yAxis': { 'textColor': '#A3B1C2', 'textAlpha': 0.6 },
'title': { 'color': '#fff' },
'localRange': { 'color': '#fff' },
'zoomedRange': { 'color': '#fff' },
'zoomText': { 'color': '#108BE3' },
'zoomIcon': { 'fill': '#108BE3' },
'buttons': { 'color': '#fff' },
'pie': { 'textColor': '#fff' },
'body': { 'backgroundColor': '#262f3d', 'color': '#fff' },
'noteColor': '#108BE3',
'octoColor': '#fff'
}, {
'name': 'matrix',
'grid': { 'color': '#00ff41', 'alpha': 0.2, 'markerFillColor': '#0d0208' },
'legend': { 'background': '#003b00', 'color': '#00ff41' },
'preview': { 'maskColor': '#003b00', 'maskAlpha': 0.6, 'brushColor': '#009f11', 'brushBorderAlpha': 0, 'handleColor': '#00ff41' },
'xAxis': { 'textColor': '#00ff41', 'textAlpha': 0.6 },
'yAxis': { 'textColor': '#00ff41', 'textAlpha': 0.6 },
'title': { 'color': '#008f11' },
'localRange': { 'color': '#008f11' },
'zoomedRange': { 'color': '#008f11' },
'zoomText': { 'color': '#008f11' },
'zoomIcon': { 'fill': '#008f11' },
'buttons': { 'color': '#0d0208' },
'pie': { 'textColor': '#0d0208' },
'colors': {
'Joined': '#00ff41',
'Left': '#008f11',
'Views': '#00ff41',
'Shares': '#008f11',
'Clicks': '#008f11',
'Kiwi': '#00ff41',
'Apricots': '#008f11',
'Lemons': '#005b00',
'Mango': '#7ec251',
'Oranges': '#145105',
'Pears': '#66e82f',
'Apples': '#0acb3b',
'Adventure': '#03c835',
'Western': '#008f11',
'Action': '#00ff41',
'Multiple Genres': '#66e82f',
'Drama': '#0acb3b',
'Comedy': '#008f11',
'Thriller/Suspense': '#005b00',
'Concert/Performance': '#7ec251',
'Horror': '#145105',
'Romantic Comedy': '#12842f',
'Musical': '#079d2e'
}}, {
'name': 'light',
'grid': { 'color': '#182D3B', 'alpha': 0.1, 'markerFillColor': '#fff' },
'legend': { 'background': '#fff', 'color': '#000' },
'preview': { 'maskColor': '#E2EEF9', 'maskAlpha': 0.6, 'brushColor': '#C0D1E1', 'brushBorderColor': '#fff', 'brushBorderAlpha': 1, 'handleColor': '#fff' },
'xAxis': { 'textColor': '#8E8E93', 'textAlpha': 1 },
'yAxis': { 'textColor': '#8E8E93', 'textAlpha': 1 },
'title': { 'color': '#000' },
'localRange': { 'color': '#000' },
'zoomedRange': { 'color': '#000' },
'zoomText': { 'color': '#108BE3' },
'zoomIcon': { 'fill': '#108BE3' },
'buttons': { 'color': '#fff' },
'pie': { 'textColor': '#fff' },
'body': { 'backgroundColor': '#fff', 'color': '#000' },
'noteColor': '#108BE3',
'octoColor': '#fff'
app.layout = html.Div([
html.Button('Switch Theme', id='switch-theme', n_clicks=0),
title=f"Chart {i+1}",
) for i in range(6)
[Output(f'charty-{i}', 'themeIdx') for i in range(6)], # Update themeIdx prop of each DashCharty
[Input('switch-theme', 'n_clicks')]
def switch_theme(n_clicks):
return [n_clicks % len(themes)] * 6 # Return new theme index for each DashCharty
@app.server.route('/zoom-in/<date>', methods=['GET'])
def zoom_in(date):
# Parse the date
date = int(date)
# Return the data corresponding to the date
return jsonify(data_dict[date])
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run_server(debug=True, port='3240')
Data examples located at:
- dash_charty/data/overview_0.json
- dash_charty/data/overview_1.json
- dash_charty/data/overview_2.json
- dash_charty/data/overview_3.json
- dash_charty/data/overview_4.json
- dash_charty/data/overview_5.json
Supported Props
- id: PropTypes.string, // The ID of the component
- title: PropTypes.string, // The title of the chart
- type: PropTypes.string, // The type of the chart
- data: PropTypes.object, // The data for the chart
- names: PropTypes.object, // The names of the data series
- colors: PropTypes.object, // The colors for the data series
- fillColors: PropTypes.object, // The fill colors for the data series
- buttonTextColor: PropTypes.object, // The text color for the buttons
- theme: PropTypes.object, // The theme for the chart
- animated: PropTypes.bool, // Whether the chart is animated
- startX: PropTypes.number, // The start value for the x-axis
- endX: PropTypes.number, // The end value for the x-axis
- stepX: PropTypes.number, // The step value for the x-axis
- showLegend: PropTypes.bool, // Whether to show the legend
- hideFromLegend: PropTypes.object, // Which data series to hide from the legend
- disabled: PropTypes.object, // Which data series to disable
- showLegendTitle: PropTypes.bool, // Whether to show the title in the legend
- legendPosition: PropTypes.string, // The position of the legend
- showMainArea: PropTypes.bool, // Whether to show the main area of the chart
- showPreview: PropTypes.bool, // Whether to show the preview of the chart
- showBrush: PropTypes.bool, // Whether to show the brush tool
- showButtons: PropTypes.bool, // Whether to show the buttons
- showRangeText: PropTypes.bool, // Whether to show the range text
- rangeTextType: PropTypes.string, // The type of the range text
- xAxisType: PropTypes.string, // The type of the x-axis
- yAxisType: PropTypes.string, // The type of the y-axis
- xAxisStep: PropTypes.number, // The step value for the x-axis
- onZoomIn: PropTypes.func, // The function to call when zooming in
- zoomInterval: PropTypes.number, // The interval for zooming in
- zoomStepX: PropTypes.number, // The step value for zooming in on the x-axis
- autoScale: PropTypes.bool, // Whether to automatically scale the chart
- minY: PropTypes.number, // The minimum value for the y-axis
- maxY: PropTypes.number, // The maximum value for the y-axis
- themes: PropTypes.array, // The themes for the chart
- themeIdx: PropTypes.number, // The index of the current theme