Pie Chart Callback with Dropdown doesn't work

I’m new the dash world. I am building a twitter dashboard (using dash in Dataiku) in which I’m trying to apply user interactivity.
I have a pie chart showing the language distribution of tweets of all users at the app start. Upon selection of a user from the dropdown list, I would like the pie chart to show the language distribution of tweets of the selected user only.
I am using below code. When I turn on the commented lines, the chart I want to show appears. However, the call back never work with or without commented lines.
Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong here?

import dataiku

import dash
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
from dash_table import DataTable
from dash_table.Format import Format, Group
from datetime import date
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output

cbank_dataset = dataiku.Dataset("dataset")
cbank_df = cbank_dataset.get_dataframe()

tweets_dataset = dataiku.Dataset("user_tweet")
tweets_df = tweets_dataset.get_dataframe()

twitter_handles_dataset = dataiku.Dataset("twitter_handles")
twitter_handles_df = twitter_handles_dataset.get_dataframe()

# CBs Dropdown
bank_dropdown_df = cbank_df['author_name'].sort_values().unique()

# Most Popular Languages

#Language distribution based on tweets dataset
tweets_df_lang_pie = tweets_df.groupby('lang')['id'].agg('count').reset_index(name='language_tweet_count').sort_values(by='language_tweet_count', ascending = False)

top_lang = tweets_df_lang_pie.iloc[0:4,:]
other_lang = tweets_df_lang_pie.iloc[4:,:]
other_lang_df = pd.DataFrame({"lang":['others'],

app.layout =  html.Div(children=
                       [# Most Popular Languages
                       html.Div(children = 
                                [html.Span('Select Bank', style={'font-size':'19px','color':'#212121',
                                                         'padding':'30px 0px 15px 15px'}),

                                    options=[{'label':bank,'value':bank} for bank in bank_dropdown_df],
                                    style={'width':'290px','margin':'0 auto', 'textAlign':'left'}),
                                 html.Span(html.U('Most Popular Tweet Languages'), style={'font-size':'19px','color':'#212121',
                                                                           'padding':'15px 0px 0px 0px'}),

                                 dcc.Graph(id = 'most_pop_lang',
#                                            figure = {'data': [{'labels':tweets_df_lang_pie['lang'],
#                                                                'values':tweets_df_lang_pie['language_tweet_count'],
#                                                                'marker': {'colors':['#CFAFE7', #purple
#                                                                                     '#D1D1D1', #grey
#                                                                                     #'#EEB500', #yellow
#                                                                                     '#F4B183', #orange
#                                                                                     '#5B9BD5', #blue
#                                                                                     '#C5E0B4' #green
#                                                                                    ],
#                                                                           'line':{'color':'white', 'width':3}},
#                                                                'type':'pie',
#                                                                'texttemplate':'%{percent:.0%f}',
#                                                                'insidetextfont':{'color':'white'}}], 
#                                                      'layout':{'margin':{'t':0, 'b':0, 'l':0, 'r':0}}},
                                             style={'width':'450px','height':'200px','margin':'0px 0px 0px 55px'}
                                style = {'width':'510px','height':'480px',
                                        'border':'1px solid lightgrey',
                                          'borderWidth':'1px','box-shadow': '2px 2px 2px lightgrey',
                                         #'border-style':'solid solid none solid',
                                         'margin':'20px 0px 0px 40px',
                               ), # End of Most Popular Languages
                Output(component_id = "most_pop_lang", component_property="figure"),
                Input(component_id ="bank_dropdown" , component_property="value")
def update_most_pop_lang_pie(bank_name):
    tweets_df_lang_pie_copy = user_tweet_metrics_df.copy(deep=True)
    if bank_name:
        tweets_df_lang_pie_copy = tweets_df_lang_pie_copy[tweets_df_lang_pie_copy['author_name']==bank_name]
    tweets_df_lang_pie = tweets_df_lang_pie_copy.groupby('lang')['id'].agg('count').reset_index(name='language_tweet_count').sort_values(by='language_tweet_count', ascending = False)
    top_lang = tweets_df_lang_pie.iloc[0:4,:]
    other_lang = tweets_df_lang_pie.iloc[4:,:]
    other_lang_df = pd.DataFrame({"lang":['others'],"language_tweet_count":other_lang.language_tweet_count.sum()})
    pie_fig = {'data': [{'labels':tweets_df_lang_pie['lang'],
                            'marker': {'colors':['#CFAFE7', #purple
                                                '#D1D1D1', #grey
                                                #'#EEB500', #yellow
                                                '#F4B183', #orange
                                                '#5B9BD5', #blue
                                                '#C5E0B4' #green
                                        'line':{'color':'white', 'width':3}},
                'layout':{#'title':{#'text':'<b>'+'Most Popular Languages'+'</b>',
                        # 'text':'Most Popular Languages'},
                        'margin':{'t':0, 'b':0, 'l':0, 'r':0}}}
    return pie_fig

Hi @Moo,

Welcome to the community! :slightly_smiling_face:

Are there any errors that appear in your app when you run it in debug mode app.run_server(debug=True)?

When I compare what you did in the callback and on the global scope of your app, I can see that you are using tweets_df in the latter (which works, according to your comment), but using user_tweet_metrics_df in the callback, which is not defined anywhere.

Maybe you refactored the dataset name and forgot to change on the callback…? In any case, it is a good idea to run in debug mode and capture these errors.

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@jlfsjunior thanks a lot!
I was going over everything and didn’t think it could be just a typo of the dataset name :woman_facepalming:

It worked!

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