Hello, is there away to return the results from one function attached to a callback to another function tied to a different callback? (Goal: After 2 different files have been parsed (1 containing raw data which will have a regression performed on it, and another independent file that has labels for each regression) I would to display a plot of the regression through dcc.Graph() after the related label has been selected from a dropdown menu.) How would I be able to get the 2 outputs from these 2 different callback functions and pass them to a dcc.graph() callback after a dropdown selection? Thank you.
def update_output(contents,file_names):
if contents is not None:
children=[parse_data(a,b) for a,b in zip(contents,file_names)]
return children[0][0]
Input('upload-cmp_nme', 'contents'),
def update_output(contents,file_names):
if contents is not None:
options=[parse_platemap(a,b) for a,b in zip(contents,file_names)]
return options[0]