I have a callback output that I want to add as input into another callback (need the sum of multiple outputs later on).
So I thought to use dbc.Store
to store the output of the first callback which is Transport_Zement_gwp2
and to use this as input into the second callback.
However, it seems that the data whcih is stored is not passed on into the second callback, as it returns nothing.
Can anyone help out how I to modify this?
Thank you!
[dash.dependencies.Output('Zement_gesamt_gwp', 'children'),
dash.dependencies.Output('Transport_zement_gwp', 'children'),
dash.dependencies.Output('Transport_zement_gwp2', 'data')],
[dash.dependencies.Input('Werksauswahl', 'value'),
dash.dependencies.Input('Zementauswahl', 'value'),
dash.dependencies.Input('Zementmenge_input', 'value'),
dash.dependencies.Input('Transportauswahl1', 'value'),
dash.dependencies.Input('Transport_input1', 'value')],
def get_gwp_value (selected_werk, selected_cement, selected_amount, selected_transport, selected_distance):
if selected_werk is None or selected_cement is None or selected_amount is None or selected_transport is None or selected_distance is None:
raise dash.exceptions.PreventUpdate
if selected_amount is not None and selected_distance is not None:
gwp_z = df['GWP_netto'][(df['Werk']==selected_werk) & (df['Zement']==selected_cement)]
zement_gwp = gwp_z*selected_amount
zement_gwp = round(zement_gwp, 2)
gwp_t = df1['GWP'][(df1['Prozess']==selected_transport)]
transport_gwp = gwp_t*selected_distance*(selected_amount / 1000)
transport_z_gwp = round(transport_gwp, 2)
return zement_gwp.astype(str) + str(' kg CO2/e'), transport_z_gwp.astype(str) + str(' kg CO2/e'), transport_z_gwp.values[0]
dash.dependencies.Output('Transport_total_all', 'children'),
dash.dependencies.Input({'type':'Transport_Zement_gwp2', 'index': ALL}, 'data'),
def display_output(zement_trans):
if zement_trans is None:
raise dash.exceptions.PreventUpdate
return zement_trans