Parallel coordinates dimension limit

When I run the following code the parallel coordinates plot appears with no issues. However, if I uncomment the 10th dimension, I get this error: “PlotlyRequestError: Uh oh, an error occurred on the server.”

If I comment out the 9th dimension and uncomment the 10th it works perfectly. So is there a limit on the # of allowed dimensions without paying for Pro?

data = [
line = dict(color = all_data[‘ID’],
colorscale = ‘Jet’,
showscale = True,
reversescale = True,
cmin = 0,
cmax = 200),
dimensions = list([
dict(range = [0,50],
constraintrange = [2,3],
label = ‘Error 1’, values = all_data[‘error1’]),
dict(range = [0,50],
label = ‘Error 2’, values = all_data[‘error2’]),
dict(range = [0,50],
label = ‘Error 3’, values = all_data[‘error3’]),
dict(range = [0,50],
label = ‘Error 4’, values = all_data[‘error4’]),
dict(range = [0,50],
label = ‘Error 5’, values = all_data[‘error5’]),
dict(range = [0,50],
label = ‘Error 6’, values = all_data[‘error6’]),
dict(range = [0,50],
label = ‘Error 7’, values = all_data[‘error7’]),
dict(range = [0,50],
label = ‘Error 8’, values = all_data[‘error8’]),
dict(range = [0,50],
label = ‘Error 9’, values = all_data[‘error9’]),
#dict(range = [0,50],
# label = ‘Error 10’, values = all_data[‘error10’]),

Try using offline mode: import plotly.offline as py

That did it. Thank-you!