Node and link sizes not matching in a Plotly Sankey Diagram

Hi all!

I am learning Python plotting with Plotly Sankey Diagram and I am trying to plot income statements of stocks.

I am unable to figure out why the node and link sizes have a discrepancy at some of the nodes. For example, Income before tax (value=2B) going into Income Tax (value=417M) and Net Income - Cont. Ops (value=1.58B)

Here is the code:

fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Sankey(
node = dict(
pad = 30,
thickness = 20,
line = dict(color = “white”, width =0),
label = [f"Total Revenue {[0,'totalRevenue']}", #0 f"Gross Profit {[0,‘grossProfit’]}“, #1
f"Cost of Revenue -{[0,'costOfRevenue']}", #2 f"SG&A -{[0,‘sellingGeneralAdministrative’]}”, #3
f"R&D -{[0,'researchDevelopment']}", #4 f"Other -{[0,‘otherOperatingExpenses’]}“, #5
f"Operating Income {[0,'operatingIncome']}", #6 f"Income Before Tax {[0,‘incomeBeforeTax’]}”, #7
f"Other Income Expenses {[0,'totalOtherIncomeExpenseNet']}", #8 f"Income Tax {[0,‘incomeTaxExpense’]}“, #9
f"Net Income - Cont Ops {[0,'netIncomeFromContinuingOps']}", #10 f"Discontinued Operations {[0,‘discontinuedOperations’]}”, #11
f"Net Income ${[0,‘netIncome’]}" #12
color = [‘#519E3F’,‘#519E3F’,‘#BC271B’,‘#BC271B’,‘#BC271B’,‘#BC271B’,‘#519E3F’,‘#519E3F’,‘#BC271B’,‘#BC271B’,‘#519E3F’,‘#519E3F’,‘#519E3F’]
textfont=dict(family=‘sans serif’,size=20,
link = dict(
source = sources,
target = targets,
value = values,
color = link_colors

sources = [0,0,1,1,1,6,6,7,7,10,11]
targets = [1,2,6,3,4,7,8,10,9,12,12]
values = [raw_df.loc[0,‘totalRevenue’],raw_df.loc[0,‘grossProfit’],raw_df.loc[0,‘costOfRevenue’],raw_df.loc[0,‘sellingGeneralAdministrative’],
link_colors=[‘#A4CC9E’,‘#D58A87’,‘#A4CC9E’,‘#D58A87’,‘#D58A87’,‘#A4CC9E’,‘#D58A87’,‘#A4CC9E’,‘#D58A87’,‘#A4CC9E’,‘#A4CC9E’] #Colors Green:‘#A4CC9E’,Red: ‘#D58A87’

Json format raw_df table:


Image of the plot (rearranged manually):

Any ideas or suggestions?