My dash app in an URL (using AWS eg.)

Hello everyone, i’ve been working in a dash app who receives an xlsx, csv or txt file with an especific format (template) from the user pc. I’m looking for a sort of advisory $$ or consultancy $$ per hour in order to solve the next troubles: I’ve already the app, is just needing an especific fixes (i guess they are mainly in the way how the csv or xlsx is processed, generating a df an then, converted to json to store it in a dcc store, wich is going to be called in around 10 callbacks in order to process the df and generate a graphs and tables wich are incluiding in the dash app layout.

Let me write a chunk of code wich i guess is there the failure.


Captura de pantalla 2022-04-28 13.56.25

#1st callback
Captura de pantalla 2022-04-28 14.01.06

Output (debung = True)

In local it works great, but in aws app it doesn´t work, i’m pretty sure that it receive properly th xlsx due to i’ve a callback wich display the file name at dash app layout div.

Thanks in advance. I’m looking for suggestions or (mainly) the advisory or consultancy. let’me write my email.

Sorry for the last update i didn’t realize about your help @AnnMarieW , this is my first post and i’m new in dash, i learn (i guess) the framework around 1 month ago and while i was learning, i was working in this project. And i repear, thanks in advance, besides about my writting, sorry, english is not my first language but i have all the interes in solve this issue.