Hello everyone, i’ve been working in a dash app who receives an xlsx, csv or txt file with an especific format (template) from the user pc. I’m looking for a sort of advisory $$ or consultancy $$ per hour in order to solve the next troubles: I’ve already the app, is just needing an especific fixes (i guess they are mainly in the way how the csv or xlsx is processed, generating a df an then, converted to json to store it in a dcc store, wich is going to be called in around 10 callbacks in order to process the df and generate a graphs and tables wich are incluiding in the dash app layout.
Let me write a chunk of code wich i guess is there the failure.
#1st callback
Output (debung = True)
In local it works great, but in aws app it doesn´t work, i’m pretty sure that it receive properly th xlsx due to i’ve a callback wich display the file name at dash app layout div.
Thanks in advance. I’m looking for suggestions or (mainly) the advisory or consultancy. let’me write my email.