Currently, I have a dashboard that allows users to export queried data in xlsx/csv format but the file generated is stuck with data that is first queried by the first user. If another user queries his/her own data and tries to export, he/she would open the downloaded file and see the data queried by the first user in another instance.
I believe this is due the global variable “queried_df” shown below in my code snippet. Is there a better way to share/send data from the callback to the server route export?
Any other suggestions are appreciated, thank you!
Output('tables', 'children'),
[Input("bom_1", "value"),
Input("bom_2", "value"),
Input("org_1", "value"),
Input("org_2", "value"),
Input("level", "value"),
Input('button', 'n_clicks')]
def update_tables(bom_1, bom_2, org_1, org_2, level, n_clicks):
global queried_df
if n_clicks == 0:
return dash.no_update
queried_df =, org_1, bom_2, org_2, level)
# perform other actions
return table
def download_excel():
strIO = io.BytesIO()
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(strIO, engine="xlsxwriter")
left = queried_df[0]
left.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1', startrow=1)
excel_data = strIO.getvalue()
return send_file(strIO, attachment_filename='test.xlsx', as_attachment=True)