I was wandering if there is any way to change the color of the selected values of a multivalue dropdown in Dash, by default they appear blue (see picture) and I would like to make them orange, is it possible?
I think that I need to change the CSS style but I don’t know exactly what to do…
As you suspected, you can do this with a bit of custom CSS. It’s helpful to wrap the dropdowns you want to modify in an element with a particular className or id (in this example I chose className=“custom-dropdown”). This is so that your CSS selectors are more specific than the ones that come with dash-core-components so will consistently take precedence.
Hi, I was playing around with my drop-down and I was actually wandering how did you found out that
.Select–multi .Select-value {}
was the option that I needed to change? Is there some sort of documentation with more of those options somewhere perhaps? For example how could you find out which option needs to be changed to change the contour of the drop-down box (in your picture it is blue for example)?
No documentation afaik, I used the inspector in the browser (in Chrome you click View > Developer > Inspect elements) and some patience to figure out the HTML structure and which classes were applied then overrode them with some experimentation.
To answer your specific question you could add this to your stylesheet
Hi @tcbegley, is there a way to change the color of the vertical border line to the right of the “x”? When I update border-color, it looks like it works on the outer borders only.
I feel like we’re close. I’m trying to give that vertical line the same light gray as the rest of my values so that it blends in and the line disappears. It looks like there’s .Select-value and .Select-value-icon. Here’s what I have now:
Here is what I recommend doing, I am new to CSS and HTML but if my understanding is correct this should work well.
use ID to identify the specific dropdown you want to edit and do not use a DIV since it goes against HTML5’s semantic meaning. Additionally, using id is useful since it can be used for callbacks.
from dash import dcc, Dash
app = Dash()
my_dropdown = dcc.Dropdown(
placeholder="Choose your Favorite State(s)",
options=["Colorado", "Colorado"],
app.layout = [my_dropdown ]
if __name__ == '__main__':