Hi, I was wondering if someone could assist me with figuring out how to add a section in my css to change the color of the selected item in a dcc.Dropdown.
I have been playing around with a number of items and trying to inspect the page but so far I haven’t figured this out. I am new to dash. In my css I have the following (some of which I am sure is redundant):
Sorry, missed in details above that I also added style: color and background-color in dcc.Dropdown definition so those style settings combined with CSS above got the above result.
Thanks John for your help! The did help me to get rid of the active box around the dropdown after selection and update the value. For some reason though I am able to change the background color of the selected item after it has been selected by modifying the .Select-value-label but what is weird is it is not letting me modify the text color. I am going to play around with it some more and i will post if I figure out what I was doing wrong based on what you provided. I may need to just add each element individually to see if one does what i am looking for.