Multiple traces in bar plot

Hello to all
I have this dataset in R and i require to plot it with bars. Can you please give me some ideas?

I would like the x-axis to be the dates, the y-axis the sales and to have diferent colored bars according to the holiday column

    Holidays              Date            Sales
    Super bowl            2010-02-12      48336678
    Labor Day             2010-09-10      45634398
    Thanksgiving          2010-11-26      65821003
    Christmas             2010-12-31      40432519
    Super Bowl            2011-02-11      47336193
    Labor Day             2011-09-09      46763228
    Thanksgiving          2011-11-25      66593605
    Christmas             2011-12-30      46042461
    Super Bowl            2012-02-10      50009408
    Labor Day             2012-09-07      48330059

will appreciate any help!


DF <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
          Holidays = c("Super Bowl","Labor Day",
                       "Thanksgiving","Christmas","Super Bowl","Labor Day",
                       "Thanksgiving","Christmas","Super Bowl","Labor Day"),
              Date = c("2010-02-12","2010-09-10",
             Sales = c(48336678L,45634398L,65821003L,

plot_ly(DF, x = ~ Date, y = ~ Sales, color = ~ Holidays, type = "bar")