Candlestick graphs are based on data which includes: Date, Open, High, Low, Close for each candle.
My data includes also additional parameter: color which can have the values: 'blue', 'yellow' or 'gray'
Based on this value I would like to color the candle.
I donβt know how to use the color data in the update_traces
How can I achieve this setting?
The code I used:
# Imports that you are going to need to read a file
import pandas as pd
# Import the library you need to create the chart
import plotly.graph_objs as go
# Read the file using pandas - so much easier than writing your own file I/O!
df_symbol_bar_Data = pd.read_csv("d:/spy.csv")
# Show some of the data you read
fig = go.Figure(data=data)
fig.update_traces(increasing_fillcolor='green', selector=dict(type='candlestick'))
fig.update_traces(increasing_line_color='green', selector=dict(type='candlestick'))
fig.update_traces(decreasing_line_color='red', selector=dict(type='candlestick'))
fig.update_traces(decreasing_fillcolor='red', selector=dict(type='candlestick'))
Date Open High ... Adj Close Volume Color
0 23/12/2019 321.589996 321.649994 ... 315.331268 52990000 blue
1 24/12/2019 321.470001 321.519989 ... 315.341095 20270000 yellow
2 26/12/2019 321.649994 322.950012 ... 317.019714 30911200 yellow
3 27/12/2019 323.739990 323.799988 ... 316.941162 42528800 yellow
4 30/12/2019 322.950012 323.100006 ... 315.193817 49729100 gray
[5 rows x 8 columns]