Multi line tabs or styled buttons?

Hello all,

I am attempting to create an app template which can be easily utilized for a wide range of different data easily.

The general template idea is a large set of data cards with some minor detail information (to be added via a imported json), and then when you click on the data card, it expands to a callback. All the data cards will have some meta data and have the same formatting.

The issue I am having is creating a selectable data card set.

Naturally, Tabs or Buttons seems like the best option here. However, I am not finding a way to 1). have mutli-line tab sets or 2). manage the style of buttons.

Any ideas?

import pandas as pd
import math
import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_table

import_json = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]

app = dash.Dash(__name__)

app.layout = html.Div(
        #div for Data Cards generated from json
                    children = [
                                dcc.Tab(label='tab{}'.format(l*4+i), value='tab-{}'.format(l*4+i))
                                for i in range(0, 4) if l*4 + i <= len(import_json)
                            className = 'eight columns off-set-two'
                        ) for l in range(0, math.ceil(len(import_json)/4))

if __name__ == '__main__':

### Trying with buttons
# app.layout = html.Div(
#     [
#         #div for Data Cards generated from json
#         html.Div(
#             [
#                 #rows
#                 html.Div(
#                     [
#                         #buttons
#                         html.Div(
#                             [
#                                 html.Button(
#                                     id = 'btn-{}'.format(l*4+i),
#                                     '{}'.format(l*4+i), 
#                                     )
#                                 for i in range(0, 4) if (l*4)+i <= len(import_json)
#                             ], 
#                             className = 'eight columns offset-by-two'
#                         )
#                     ],
#                     className = 'row'
#                 ) for l in range(0, math.ceil(len(import_json)/4))
#             ]
#         ), 
#         html.Div( id  = 'test')
#     ]
# )

I am utilizing the following JSON…

Also, while not going to contain arrows or things, this is what I mean by a set of data cards:

I am dumb. The Button has a Children Option… sorry to waste your time.