I’ve done some work for a client on Dash - think it’s brilliant. The first time i’ve been able to create a single page app without having to dive into JavaScript - but with Python instead. Just wondering if anyone has tried using Dash in conjunction with MaterializeCSS, Material-UI (which works atop React) or any other Material Design UI framework?
In the meantime, agonising over how to put dcc.Link around a hand drawn div (non-standard button shape) without the link text appearing.
@chriddyp a slightly different twist on this question - how hard would it be to take an existing library & simply generate plotly dash components for it, eg. https://material-ui.com
https://github.com/StratoDem/sd-material-ui looks decent, however every property is manually mapped, so any new prop would need to be added, and there’s a couple of key components missing.