Markers in a line plot with Plotly Dash

My app layout includes this element

chart = (dash.dcc.Graph(id="chart", style={"width": "100%", "height": "500px"},),) 

as well as this callback function

    Output("chart", "figure"),
    Input("table", "data"),
def update_chart(table):
    df = pd.DataFrame(table)

    data = [{"x": df.iloc[:,0], "y": df.iloc[:,1], "line":{"color":"red",}}]

    layout = go.Layout(

    return {"data": data, "layout": layout}

I want to play with the chart format. Where can I find the documentation that explains all the available options? Does anyone know how to add visible markers? My data is a monthly timeseries and at the moment my chart shows a solid line with no markers. I have found this link here which mentions markers but that’s in the context of plotly express and I’m just using plotly in a dash context.

Hi @chon ,

you can refer to plotly graph_object.

if you want to add markers on line chart, try to add mode='lines+markers' into data` variable

data = [{"x": df.iloc[:,0], "y": df.iloc[:,1], "line":{"color":"red",},"mode":'lines+markers' }]
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@farispriadi thank you for your quick and helpful response. There was a small typo in your solution, it should be

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Thanks. I have updated the typo. :+1:

@farispriadi No problem. I have a related question… I am now trying to change the style of the text of the chart axes labels. I’ve tried this:

data = [
            "x": df.iloc[:,0],
            "y": df.iloc[:,1],
            "line": {"color": "red"},
            "mode": "lines+markers",
            "textfont":{"color":"green","size":1},  # this line here doesn't do what I need

but it doesn’t do anything. No error but the font remains unchanged. Do you have any suggestions please?

If you mean change the tick style, do this inside the layout instead of in the data attribute.

layout = go.Layout(
        xaxis=dict(tickfont = dict( color="green", size=1)), # change color to green, size to 1
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@farispriadi thanks for your response. It works.

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