Loading a dataframe in a tab that also asks for users to go through checklist

I scraped twitter for specific tags and placed the data into mongo but I removed the mongo connection piece of the code and I am including a csv instead on pastebin to make this reproducible on local computers. The only change you need to make is to update the csv path to where you saved your file for the “ja_tweets” (there are in two places in the code) variable.

I am following a mix of tutorials trying to figure out Dash and I have hit a blocker I can’t seem to figure out no matter what. I have the two tabs working but the third ‘Filtered Table’ tab I get errors no matter what I try. My error right now is “NameError: name ‘table_of_interest’ is not defined” which makes sense, I just don’t know how to pass it in when it’s an output and not an input.

I definitely know that this line is wrong:

table = dbc.Table.from_dataframe(table_of_interest, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True)

But I don’t know how to pass the dataframe that is in the multi_tag_analysis function

I don’t know if I have to pass an additional argument in the render_tab_content that represents df.

I am just not sure if I did the render_tab correctly or the callback for the multi_tag_analysis function

I know I should have pasted less code but because everything is so connected with each other I didn’t want to take a chance that I am leaving anything out.

For the third tab I wanted a checklist showing the list of tags to check and then the multi_tag_analysis takes the two and searches for tweets where both tags occurred. Then filters the df to only those rows. I just can’t seem to export it properly.

I would very much appreciate your help on this. Thank you so much! I used the resources:


‘Reusable Components’ section of Part 1. Layout | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Run this app with `python app.py` and
# visit in your web browser.

# Dash Necessary Imports
 import dash import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import plotly.express as px import pandas as pd

# User Imports 
import pymongo from datetime import datetime

# Bootstrap Library 
import dash import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objs as go from dash.dependencies import Input, Output


app = dash.Dash(external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP],suppress_callback_exceptions=True)

app.layout = dbc.Container(
        html.H1("Twitter Data of Trading Card Game Tags within 24 Hours"),
        html.P("Used Tweepy to scrape twitter and pull date into Mongo\n"
               "Pulled from Mongo to Dash",
        html.P("Language: Japanese. \n Dash Example by:  ",
            "Generate Graphs",
                dbc.Tab(label="Line Graphs", tab_id="line"),
                dbc.Tab(label="Bar Graph", tab_id="bar"),
                dbc.Tab(label="Filter Table", tab_id="table")
        html.Div(id="tab-content", className="p-4"),
    ] )

checklist = dbc.FormGroup(
        dbc.Label("Choose a bunch"),
            options=[{"label": hashtag, "value": hashtag} 
                 for hashtag in hashtags],
    ] )

inputs = html.Div(
    ] )

    Output("tab-content", "children"),
    [Input("tabs", "active_tab"), Input("store", "data")] ) def render_tab_content(active_tab, data):
    This callback takes the 'active_tab' property as input, as well as the
    stored graphs, and renders the tab content depending on what the value of
    'active_tab' is.
    if active_tab and data is not None:
        if active_tab == "bar":
            return dcc.Graph(figure=data["tags_by_friendcount_fig"])
        elif active_tab == "line":
            return dbc.Row(
                    dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(figure=data["count_tags_fig"]), width=6),
                    dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(figure=data["users_per_hour_fig"]), width=6),
        if active_tab == "table":
            table = dbc.Table.from_dataframe(table_of_interest, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True)
            return table
    return "No tab selected"

    Output("checklist-output", "children"),
    [Input("checklist-input", "value")] ) def multi_tag_analysis(checklist_value):
# How many tweets contained the tags in checklist_value
    hashtags =['#tradingcards','#sportscards','#whodoyoucollect','#cards','#topps',

    ja_tweets = pd.read_csv(r"ja_tweets.csv")

    # Checking if hashtag was used in text and creating a dataframe containing tag,user,hour of tweet, and friend count
    tags = list()
    user = list()
    friend_count = list()
    for index,tweet in ja_tweets.iterrows():
      tag_list = list()
      for hashtag in hashtags:
        if hashtag in tweet['text'].lower():

    multi_tagged_tweets_df = {'tags':tags,'user':user,'friend_count':friend_count}
    multi_tagged_tweets_df = pd.DataFrame(multi_tagged_tweets_df)
    # Loop through the rows and check to see if the user checked tags 
    # Are assigned to the tweet. If they are then safe the row
    # and add to a new dataframe.
    for index,tweet in multi_tagged_tweets_df.iterrows():
      # check if list1 contains all elements in list2
      result =  all(elem in tweet['tags'] for elem in checklist_value)
      if result:
    filtered_tweets = multi_tagged_tweets_df.ix[save_index]
    table_of_interest = dbc.Table.from_dataframe(filtered_tweets, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True)

    return html.Table([
            html.Tr([html.Th(col) for col in table_of_interest.columns])
                html.Td(table_of_interest.iloc[i][col]) for col in table_of_interest.columns
            ]) for i in range(min(len(table_of_interest), max_rows))
    ])    @app.callback(Output("store", "data"), [Input("button", "n_clicks")]) def generate_graphs(n):
    This callback generates three simple graphs from random data.
    hashtags =['#tradingcards','#sportscards','#whodoyoucollect','#cards','#topps',

    ja_tweets = pd.read_csv(r"ja_tweets.csv")

    if not n:
        # generate empty graphs when app loads
        return {k: go.Figure(data=[]) for k in ["tags_by_friendcount_fig", "count_tags_fig", "users_per_hour_fig"]}
    # Checking if hashtag was used in text and creating a dataframe containing tag,user,hour of tweet, and friend count
    tag = list()
    user = list()
    created_at = list()
    friend_count = list()
    for hashtag in hashtags:
      for index,tweet in ja_tweets.iterrows():
        if hashtag in tweet['text'].lower():
          converted_created_at = datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(tweet['created_at'],'%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    tagged_tweets = {'tag':tag,'user':user,'created_at':created_at,'friend_count':friend_count}
    tagged_tweets_df = pd.DataFrame(tagged_tweets)
    tagged_tweets_df['created_at'] = pd.to_datetime(tagged_tweets_df['created_at'])
    tagged_tweets_df['created_at_hour'] = tagged_tweets_df['created_at'].dt.hour
    # Group by hour and tag
    count_tags=tagged_tweets_df.groupby(['created_at_hour','tag'], as_index=False).count()
    count_tags_fig = px.line(count_tags, x="created_at_hour", y="created_at",
                         "created_at_hour": "Time (Hours)",
                         "created_at": "Number of Tweets",
                         "tag": "Trading Card Hashtags"
                    title="Tweet Frequency By Hashtags within a 24 hour Period")
    # Number of Users Per Hour By Hashtag
    # Dedupe to only keep one row of the set hour,tag,user
    deduped_by_hr_tag_id=tagged_tweets_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['created_at_hour', 'tag','user','friend_count'], keep='last')
    users_per_hour = deduped_by_hr_tag_id.groupby(['created_at_hour','tag'],as_index=False)['user'].count()
    users_per_hour_fig = px.line(users_per_hour, x="created_at_hour", y="user", 
                         "created_at_hour": "Time (Hours)",
                         "user": "Number of Users",
                         "tag": "Trading Card Hashtags"
                    title="Number of Users Per Hour By Hashtag within a 24 hour Period")
    # Number of Users Per Hashtag - Grouped By Friend Count
    deduped_by_tag_user=tagged_tweets_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['tag','user'], keep='last')
    deduped_by_tag_user = deduped_by_tag_user.copy()
    bins = [0, 500, 1000,3000,6000, 10000, 20000]
    deduped_by_tag_user['binned'] = pd.cut(deduped_by_tag_user['friend_count'], bins)
    tags_by_friendcount = deduped_by_tag_user.groupby(['binned','tag'],as_index=False)['user'].count()
    #Need to conver to string so I get around the error:
    # TypeError: Object of type 'Interval' is not JSON serializable
    # for more information check out: https://github.com/altair-viz/altair/issues/1691
    tags_by_friendcount.binned = tags_by_friendcount.binned.astype('str').astype('category')
    tags_by_friendcount_fig = px.bar(tags_by_friendcount, x="binned", y="user", 
                         "binned": "Friend Count",
                         "user": "Number of Users",
                         "tag": "Trading Card Hashtags"
                    title="Number of Users Per Hashtag - Grouped By Friend Count within a 24 hour Period")

    # save figures in a dictionary for sending to the dcc.Store
    return {"tags_by_friendcount_fig": tags_by_friendcount_fig, "count_tags_fig": count_tags_fig, "users_per_hour_fig": users_per_hour_fig}

if __name__ == '__main__':