Hi everyone in the Dash community!
I’m new to Dash, so I apologize if my question seems silly, but I haven’t found any solution yet.
I’m doing research in AI and I’m creating an app to make some demos of what I’m building. To do so, I’d like to able to load several datasets I store locally (my app is not meant to be hosted so far) from a dmc.Select
menu. When a dataset is selected, it will call some callbacks to update other dmc.Select
menus that will update some figures.
I was thinking about using dcc.Store
as advised in the docs, but my datasets are quite heavy (almost 100MB each). Also, I want to further be able to load some pretrained models that could be selected from an other dmc.Select
menu, which raises, I think, the same question.
Here is a glimpse of my code so that you can get a better idea. I call some functions defined in other scripts, but I think their output is rather straightforward to understand. Still, if you have any question, don’t hesitate to ask me to clarify whatever you need!
I’m aware that I’m not using dcc.Store
in the right way because I’m not creating a json file, but I leave it here so you can get the idea (I hope).
Thank you all for your help!
import dash_mantine_components as dmc
from dash import Dash, dcc, html, Input, Output, State
from helpers import *
import json
import plotly.graph_objects as go
data_dir_list = get_avaible_datasets_list()
load_function_dict = {
"kpi": load_kpi_data # ,
# "smd": load_smd_data,
# "nasa": load_nasa_data,
model_dropdowm = get_avaible_models_list()
app = Dash(__name__)
app.config.suppress_callback_exceptions = True
app.layout = html.Div(
label="Select dataset (Only KPI available for now)",
dcc.Store(id = "dataset", "data"),
html.Div(children=[], id="signal-dropdown"),
html.Div(children=[], id="ts-plot"),
label="Select model",
html.Div(children=[], id="detection-plot"),
@app.callback(Output("dataset", "data"), Input("dataset-dropdown", "value"))
def update_dataset(dataset_name):
load_function = load_function_dict[dataset_name]
train_set, test_set = load_function(f"{data_dir}/{dataset_name}")
global test_set
# update signal-dropdown when dataset is changed
@app.callback(Output("signal-dropdown", "children"), Input("dataset", "data"))
def update_signal_dropdown(test_set):
id_list = get_signal_list(test_set)
return dmc.Select(label="Select signal", data=id_list, value=id_list[0]["value"])
Output("ts-plot", "children"),
Input("signal-dropdown", "value"),
State("dataset", "data"),
def update_figure(signal, dataset):
return dcc.Graph(
figure=create_timeseries_from_dataset_and_id(dataset, signal).plot_plotly(),
Output("detection-plot", "children"),
Input("signal-dropdown", "value"),
State("dataset", "data"),
def update_detection_figure(signal, dataset):
model_path = "/home/paperspace/models/usad_kpi_2023-04-14_10:44:47_epochs_80_window_size_5_hidden_size_10_downsampling_0.01"
with open(f"{model_path}/args.json", "r") as f:
config = json.load(f)
model = load_usad_model(model_path, config, get_default_device())
ts_predicted = assign_labels(signal, model, dataset)
return dcc.Graph(figure=ts_predicted.plot_plotly(is_real_labels=False))
if __name__ == "__main__":