How to write a method that accept uploaded csv/excel file and return a dataframe that can be used in multiple callback functions?
How to write a method that accept uploaded csv/excel file and return a dataframe that can be used in multiple callback functions?
I am interested in a better answer if someone has one.
Personally I have to load the dataset into a JSON file (https://dash.plot.ly/sharing-data-between-callbacks)
For large datasets, if I want to live plot a series for example, I update the series on a different process and save it on a csv. My dash then picks up the csv every second for example and display the chart. JSON is slow for loading large dataframes while pandas read_csv is acceptable
@yaochen, have you tried the dcc.Upload component
Thank you for these suggestions. I have seen and try to change these tutorial codes. But the “parse_content” method directly return a generated table. Instead, I want this method to just return a dataframe. In the other tutorial, there’s a code that puts the online datasets into cashe. I just don’t know how to link that with a file drop box upload from local file. Also, my file wouldn’t be so big that I have to put it into a cache.
Thank you and please provide more insights!
I see. I actually never tried out the dcc.Upload
so I couldn’t tell you. When I saw you question, I immediately though there must be solution using the flask server instance, but then learned that there was a dash_core_component already created for this.
You could also try out using flask under the hood. Here is how you can upload in flask. After uploading you can then do a pd.read_excel()
or any other pandas I/O method.
Note, to access the flask server instance, you can just use:
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
server = app.server
Let me know how it goes.
I have figure it out, with the help of tutorial dcc.Upload component. Very little changing is needed. If you need source code. Happy to send it.
Now I have one more question:
If I have a csv file with unknown length, and I want to generate a scatter plot with each several rows of data. So I have to generate many scatter plot. How can I use a for loop in the app.Layout() to do that? Can I for loop callback as well?
I am looking to create a dashboard that pre populates with a dataframe, but has the option to use the dcc.upload function to use user defined data. Is that the solution you created Yaochen? I would be interested in your code if so.
Hello Yaochen,
Can you please share your code. I am attempting to do something similar.
Thank you!
Hi @yaochen, would it be possible for you to post your solution? It seems like this is a pretty straight-forward use case for the File Upload component and the community could really benefit from the example. Thanks!
hey yaochan,
can you please share your code?
Hi @yaochen, could you please share the code? I have been trying to solve this issue as well but was unsuccessful! This is very much appreciated!
I am trying to do something similar Any help appreciated
Is there a solution? Really need it, appreciate the help
Hi @yaochen,
I am trying to do the same thing and was not able to find a solution.
Can you please share me the code
Thank you!
@yaochen can you please share the source code, I am really trying now for long and no success