Line graph trace with range break no working properly

HI, I’ve a dash app that updates the graph dynamically when user submits the button. The data is stock market related and has breaks on weekends and night. TO handle this I’ve added range breaks. But, I’m finding an issue where line graph is broken and displays only when data is present as shown in the image.
How to get continuous line in this graph?

dcc.Graph( id=‘straddle-graph-id’, figure=px.line(render_mode=‘svg’))

Output(‘straddle-graph-id’, ‘figure’),
Input(component_id=‘add-button-state’, component_property=‘n_clicks’)
State(‘straddle-graph-id’, ‘figure’)
def update_chart(n_clicks,fig)

chart = go.Figure(fig)
line = go.Scatter(x=df['time'], y=df['price'], mode='lines',name=strike,)
            dict(count=1, label="today", step="day", stepmode="backward"),
            dict(count=5, label="5D",    step="day", stepmode="backward"),
            dict(count=30, label="30D",  step="day", stepmode="backward"),
        dict(bounds=["sat", "mon"]), #hide weekends
        dict(bounds=[16, 9], pattern="hour"), #hide hours outside of 9am-4pm
return chart


can you attach the data?, Because the code works well.

Make sure your data is formated as datetime: hourly’s format 2022-12-05 09:00:00.

Also make sure the hourly’s range is correct, from your graph it seems it’s not correct

with the range break

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@AbdelAnlah Thanks for your precious time looking into it. I found that issue is with the data. After fixing data issue it is working correctly.