Large dataset fails to plot in DASH plotly

I have a Dash app where i query a data in one call back and store it in the DCC store. and then in the other call bak i am using this data to make plotly plots. so when i run the app, i see the data is store in the session memory. But i don’t see any plots getting updated. just to check what is happening i tried to read the dcc store data and then again store a copy of it in other variable. I see that other variable is not getting the data and hence may be the plots are not updated. The data is a dataframe stored in json format. Also one more observation that when the data size is small, the plots is getting updated, only when the data size is large it does not plot. This same app works fine on my laptop with local host, but when i deploy it to my company AWS domain, it does not work…

Any pointers on where i should be looking for ?

Are there any errors you see in the console when deployed to AWS? If your data is large, it may be better storing the actual DataFrame server-side rather than the json data client-side in the browser. Check out ServersideOutputTransform.