I’ll assume that I should have posted the code instead and try again to get an answer to this problem because I really want to solve it, this has been happening for a long time.
So I’ll use the first page as an example:
The code in ‘Dist_notas.py’, to read the data and create the grid for page 1 app (it’s reading data from the sheet in the first screenshot on my last post):
# Selecionando os dados a serem lidos
dfraw = pd.read_excel('https://github.com/Oesterd/Dash-learning-analytics/raw/master/dados_teste.xlsx')
df = dfraw.iloc[:, 0:10]
# Formatação dos números
locale_pt_BR = """d3.formatLocale({
"decimal": ",",
"thousands": ".",
"grouping": [3],
"currency": ["R$", ""],
"thousands": "\u00a0",
numformat = {"function": f"{locale_pt_BR}.format(',.2f')(params.value)"}
clndef = [
{'field': 'Alunos'},
{'field': 'Sexo'},
{'field': 'Etnia'},
{'field': 'Escola'},
{'field': 'Renda (R$)',
'filter': 'agNumberColumnFilter'},
{'field': 'Med aluno',
'valueFormatter': numformat,
'filter': 'agNumberColumnFilter'},
{'field': 'Med turma',
'valueFormatter': numformat,
'filter': 'agNumberColumnFilter'},
{'field': 'Freq',
'valueFormatter': numformat,
'filter': 'agNumberColumnFilter'},
{'field': 'Resultado'},
{'field': 'Professor'}
dfclndef = {
'headerClass': 'center-aligned-header',
'cellClass': 'center-aligned-cell',
'filter': True,
'filterParams': {
"alwaysShowBothConditions": True,
'floatingFilter': True,
'suppressMenu': True,
grid = dag.AgGrid(
dashGridOptions={'pagination': True},
# Opções do dropdown
nullop = 'Nenhuma'
op2 = df.columns[1:4].to_list() # Divisão por colunas
op2.insert(0, nullop)
The code for page 1 application:
# Importando as bibliotecas
import dash, orjson
from dash import html, dcc, Input, Output, callback
import dash_ag_grid as dag
import seaborn as sns
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import openpyxl
# Iniciando o aplicativo
dash.register_page(__name__, name='Distribuição de notas', path='/')
filename = 'Reusables/Dist_notas.py'
Ops = {
'Nenhuma': ['Nenhuma', 'Sexo', 'Escola', 'Etnia'],
'Sexo': ['Nenhuma', 'Escola', 'Etnia'],
'Escola': ['Nenhuma', 'Sexo', 'Etnia'],
'Etnia': ['Nenhuma', 'Sexo', 'Escola']
# Layout da página
layout = \
# Menus de dropdown
'Escolha o eixo x:',
dcc.Dropdown(id='dropdown11', value='Med aluno', options=['Med aluno', 'Resultado'], clearable=False)
"Divisão por cores:",
dcc.Dropdown(id='dropdown12', value='Nenhuma', options=['Nenhuma', 'Professor'], clearable=False),
"Divisão por colunas:",
dcc.Dropdown(list(Ops.keys()), 'Nenhuma', id='dropdown13', clearable=False),
"Divisão por linhas:",
dcc.Dropdown(id='dropdown14', value='Nenhuma', options=['Nenhuma', 'Sexo', 'Etnia', 'Escola'], clearable=False),
"Tipo de gráfico:",
dcc.Dropdown(id='dropdown15', value='Histograma', options=['Histograma', 'Cumulativo'], clearable=False),
'Tipo de normalização:',
dcc.Dropdown(id='dropdown16', value='Nenhuma', options=[
{'label': 'Nenhuma', 'value': 'Nenhuma'},
{'label': 'Porcentagem', 'value': 'percent'},
{'label': 'Densidade de probabilidade', 'value': 'probability density'},
], clearable=False)
], style={'width': '20%'}),
# html.Div([
# "Tipo de agrupamento:",
# dcc.Dropdown(id='dropdown14', value='layer', options=[
# {'label': 'Normal', 'value': 'layer'},
# {'label': 'Empilhar', 'value': 'stack'}], clearable=False),
# ])
], style={'display': 'flex', 'flexDirection': 'row', 'gap': 50, 'flex': 1}),
# Gráfico
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Chained callback
Output('dropdown14', 'options'),
Input('dropdown13', 'value')
def drop_chain(drop4value):
return [{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in Ops[drop4value]]
Output('dropdown14', 'value'),
Input('dropdown14', 'options'))
def drop4init(available_options):
return available_options[0]['value']
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Output(component_id='displot', component_property='figure'),
Output(component_id='dropdown15', component_property='options'),
Input(component_id='grid', component_property='virtualRowData'),
Input(component_id='dropdown11', component_property='value'),
Input(component_id='dropdown12', component_property='value'),
Input(component_id='dropdown13', component_property='value'),
Input(component_id='dropdown14', component_property='value'),
Input(component_id='dropdown15', component_property='value'),
Input(component_id='dropdown16', component_property='value'),
def matplot_html(rows, drop1, drop2, drop3, drop4, drop5, drop6):
## Criando o gráfico
# Modificando os dados conforme a filtragem do usuário
dff = pd.DataFrame(rows)
if drop2 == 'Nenhuma':
drop2 = None
drop2 = f'{drop2}'
if drop3 == 'Nenhuma':
drop3 = None
drop3 = f'{drop3}'
if drop4 == 'Nenhuma':
drop4 = None
drop4 = f'{drop4}'
if drop6 == 'Nenhuma':
drop6 = None
drop6 = f'{drop6}'
if drop1 == 'Med aluno':
drop5val = ['Histograma', 'Cumulativo']
drop5val = ['Histograma']
drop5 = 'Histograma'
if drop5 == 'Cumulativo':
drop5 = True
drop5 = False
fig = px.histogram(dff, x=drop1, color=drop2, facet_col=drop3, facet_row=drop4, cumulative=drop5, histnorm=drop6, barmode='group')
return fig, drop5val
Note that despite this example having a kind of chained callback inside the function that changes the output and value from another dropdown based on the input in the dropdown that select the x axis data (which is where the problem lies), this problem happened with all pages as shown in the video and not all of them have any chained callback structure.
In fact, this problem has been happening since the early stages of my code, but I couldn’t figure out why and it’s probably not related with Ag Grid itself, because it also happened when I used Dash Datatable