Label-/Text-box(s) for dynamically updated subplots

I just start to learn dash and plotly to build a web app for collecting data from +20 sensors and update the graph. I need to add a text- or label-box, and update it with the last read values from sensors for each subplot(some of the two traces). Please check the photo. I could not find a way to do it dynamically. Do you have a suggestion about that. Thanks

For simplicity I removed unnecessary parts of my code

fig = make_subplots(rows=grid_row, cols=grid_col,  subplot_titles=subplot_titles, specs=secondY_spec,
                    horizontal_spacing=0.06, vertical_spacing=0.03)

for ids, (ch_name, graph_num, y_2ax_val) in enumerate(zip(f_chan_names, f_graph_nums,  f_y_2ax)):
    fig.add_scatter(x=x_data, y=data[ids], col=(graph_num % grid_col) + 1, row=(graph_num // grid_col) + 1, name=f'<b>{ch_name}</b>',  secondary_y=second_y_cond, opacity=opacity_val)

app.layout = html.Div([
        dcc.Graph(id="graph", figure=fig),

@app.callback(Output("graph", "extendData"),
              Input("interval_comp", "n_intervals"),   )
def update(n_intervals, figure):

    fig_data = [{"x": [[], ], "y": [[], ] },  [*range(filtered_num_channel)],  data_size]
    fig_data[0]['x'] = [x_data, ] * filtered_num_channel
    fig_data[0]['y'] = data #update current daha
    return fig_data
if __name__ == "__main__":

Hi @hsezen,

you could use annotations. There might be other solutions but this came into my mind. Here is an example: