I am trying to create a dash that would build a list of cards, one after another going downwards, made up of subplots for each student in my class. I would like to have two line graphs and two polar bars for each student in each subplot with their name displayed to the left for each student. Is there a way to do that if you have a list of the students and their individual dataframes?
You could either
- Add in your layout a list of cards each containing the required chart (and can create this list via a for loop or list comprehension)
- Put all the charts in one figure (checkout the facet_row option with plotly express to get started quickly)
so you could technically do it kind of like this?
app.layout = html.Div([class_subplots])
Output("class_subplots", "figure"),
Input('current-student_df', "data")
def add_student_subplots(df):
for s in df['student'].unique():
new_df = df[df['student']==s]
card = dbc.Row([dbc.Card([
fig = make_subplots(blahblahblah)
return card_list
No, you would need to return a list of cards, each of which has a dcc.Graph with the figure in it. This list would be the child of a Fiv or a Container for example.
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I know I probably have this wrong…but something closer to this?
app.layout = html.Div([dbc.Container(id=class_subplots])
Output("class_subplots", "children"),
Input('current-student_df', "data")
def add_student_subplots(df):
for s in df['student'].unique():
new_df = df[df['student']==s]
card = [dbc.Card([
fig = make_subplots(blahblahblah)
return card_list
That looks right apart from the typo on cared_list
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Thanks, man. I really appreciate your help.