Jupyter Notebook,Voila Extension, and heroku

Need help with using voila as an extension.

I see I added the extension and I am able to see my graph locally.

I am using Ubuntu/WSL. I have tried to install voila using pip but when I checked the version system return voila not found.
I finally enabled the extension

(venv) ILMCLCD:~/voila$ voila --version
voila: command not found
(venv) ILMCLCD:~/voila$

Uploading: app_render.PNG…

I would like to work on moving this to the Heroku but I am not sure how to go about it using Jupiter Extension. I have created my Heroku account and connected to it thru my WSL terminal

I think I have things in place to follow the instructions listed here but I am not sure:

Please let me know if I am on the right track. This is all new to me!

This is a forum for Plotly/Dash, not voila or matplotlib. You’re probably not going to much help with this here.

I don’t use Ubuntu/Linux but from your error it sounds like you don’t have the library installed in the venv.

Or is it possible you have the wrong version of Python that works with Voila? I’ve never heard of it or used it before but it looks like it’s pip was last updated Oct 26th. If you’re on Python 3.11 it didn’t release until December so maybe try a different version of Python?

Good luck.

Hello, I came across this amazing tutorial from Adam Schroeder

My end goal is to get my app to Heroku and it does have to be using voila.

OMG He is so amazing!

Thanks this is just what I needed.