Issue when sending chart to Chart Studio

Hi, I have the return matrix data that I would like to place in a heat map. here is the code I used:

import chart_studio.plotly as py
import as px
fig = px.imshow(returns,  title="Monthly Returns (%)",
                text_auto=".2f", aspect="auto", color_continuous_scale='RdBu_r')
py.plot(fig, filename='Monthly Returns', auto_open=True)

and here is a snapshot of my return data which is a Dataframe:

           JAN       FEB       MAR  ...       OCT       NOV       DEC
2013  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  ...  0.548652  4.529969 -0.330205
2014  0.083121 -0.306542 -0.193584  ... -0.131052  0.118495 -0.156965
2015 -0.313051  0.163174 -0.040733  ...  0.322954  0.211307  0.139780
2016 -0.154908  0.199167 -0.049330  ...  0.148488  0.062674  0.302024
2017  0.001756  0.229343 -0.094139  ...  0.481843  0.633970  0.426035
2018 -0.326822  0.072044 -0.355961  ... -0.041521 -0.324128 -0.109768
2019 -0.092355  0.102807  0.076174  ...  0.137331 -0.158202 -0.062226
2020  0.313431 -0.083332 -0.265470  ...  0.249103  0.342227  0.587086
2021  0.185948  0.364157  0.257539  ...  0.486913 -0.064500 -0.184220
2022 -0.195134 -0.004727  0.022333  ...  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000

when I run the code everything works fine and I get this chart shown to me:

However, when I try to look at it using the chart studio the labels for each square is missing and I can’t get to placing them, here is a picture of the chart on chart studio:

it is imperative that those labels show on the chart but for the lid of me I can’t figure out how to show them, anyone has any suggestions? Thank you in advance.

Yes, you are right. Chart-studio does not display the text on the heatmap cells. If you want to get an annotated heatmap that displays the annotations, on chart-studio, too, then you can use the classical `ff.create_annotated_heatmap~:

import plotly.figure_factory as ff

import numpy as np
ret = -1+2*np.random.rand(120)
z= ret.reshape((10, 12))
text= [[round(z[i][j], 2) for j in range(12)] for i in range(10)]
fig = ff.create_annotated_heatmap(z, annotation_text=text, colorscale="RdBu", showscale=False)                  
                  yaxis_autorange="reversed") #yaxis is reversed to ensure the same data position like in your plot with px.imshow

This is the corresponding plot:

I recommend to open an issue on plotly.js repository to be brought to the plotly team attention, and to fix it.

The difference between the classical annotated heatmap, and the heatmap defined like in your example , is that in the former case we are sending to chart-studio the text exactly as it should be displayed, as layout.annotations, while in the later one is set only the texttemplate, and the text must be imported from z-data with the given format, but it seems that chart-studio cannot do it.

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thank you so much for you detailed explanation, your code helped me much! ill certainly bring that to their attention?