Hello there
I’m making a come-back on this dear forum, as I’m wondering whether anyone here around already found a solution to the issue I’m trying to fix.
I’m plotting a Scatter/Bubble plot, where my data are like:
x= [10%, 11%, 12%, 13%, 15%, 20%, 45%, 48%,50%, 95%,96%,97%]
y= [1, 1.5, 2, 2.4, 2.8, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5, 5.5,6]
z= [100, 125, 150,200,140,160,170,186,124,114,115,164]
So, I have several data points between 10% and 15%, nothing between 20% and 45%, some between 45% and 50%, and the rest above 95%.
Similarly, I have a higher density between 1 and 3, and between 4 and 6, than I have between 3 and 4, on the y axis.
Given that I have a text on each of this bubble, whose area’s size is determined by the z array, it’s not very readable. If I could “shrink” the distance between the 3 and 4 on the y axis, and/or between 20 and 45% on the x axis, it would probably be much better.
Is there a way to do that dynamically, or to “cut” the axis & the graph when there is no data between 2 ticks?