IPywidget notebook out of date

The IPywidget notebook (https://plot.ly/python/widget-app/) is out of date since it uses the older GraphWidget and the go.FigureWidget appears to be a much nicer way to handle such challenges (from the presentation of Jon Mease). I would like to update it (or make a new one for the FigureWidget), but a quick search for widget_app.ipynb didnโ€™t yield anything on your github organization.

The documentation posts are a little hidden at the moment but weโ€™re working on improving that. The post your looking for is here in the source-design-merge branch of the plotly documentation repo.

Here is the python contribution readme if you are unsure about how things are organized.

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Thanks for your interest @KevinM! Youโ€™re right that these pages are out of date, and help with the docs is always appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

@jmmease Iโ€™m also interested in Ipywidgets, however I am quite newbie and currently I am struggling to merge widgets and on_hover outputs together to populate a new empty FigureWidget().
Is there a simple example on how to combine those widgets and on_hover / selection events?

Last quick one, if saving the jupyter notebook on an HTML file, would still work?

Thank you so much,
Any help is appreciated. :slight_smile:

Hi @bixin,

Iโ€™d recommend reading through the notebooks under Add Custom Interactivity with Jupyter Widgets .

Hope that helps get you started!
