Introducing AGridable: Effortlessly format tabular data in your Dash app

I’ve recently released a new Python library - AGridable - which makes formatting tables in your Dash app a breeze :dash:

It’s a wrapper for the wonderful Dash AG Grid library and enables users to quickly and easily apply formatting, without having to go through the (sometimes rather complex) process of configuration. For example, you can quickly and easily apply conditional colour formatting based on the range of values in a column.

Curious to learn more? Check out my detailed Medium article where I dive into how this library works, its features and how it can transform the development of your Dash app :rocket:

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Pretty cool :slight_smile:

If you’re interested, there is a way to avoid having to copy the assets (CSS, js) and directly have them in your package and working with Dash.

@RenaudLN thanks for replying - that sounds great! I couldn’t work out how to do it myself (I tried stringified JS functions but it only seemed to allow for single line functions, which doesn’t really work for more complex processes). Do you have any examples/docs you can link me to?

You simply need to add _css_dist, _js_dist (respecting a certain format) and __version__ to your main

See this link for an example :slightly_smiling_face:
(namespace refers to the name of the package, in your case would be "agridable")

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@RenaudLN thanks for sharing! I’ll give it a try :+1:

@RenaudLN worked like a charm - many thanks for the tip! I’ve updated AGridable to 0.0.3 to reflect this; no longer have to copy over those pesky JS and CSS files :raised_hands: