I was reading the blog post about creating interactive svg tables (https://www.r-bloggers.com/creating-interactive-svg-tables-in-r/ ), very interesting.
When I tried to run the code I get an error though:
Error: Trace type must be one of the following:
‘scatter’, ‘box’, ‘bar’, ‘heatmap’, ‘histogram’, ‘histogram2d’, ‘histogram2dcontour’, ‘pie’, ‘contour’, ‘scatterternary’, ‘sankey’, ‘scatter3d’, ‘surface’, ‘mesh3d’, ‘scattergeo’, ‘choropleth’, ‘scattergl’, ‘pointcloud’, ‘heatmapgl’, ‘parcoords’, ‘scattermapbox’, ‘carpet’, ‘scattercarpet’, ‘contourcarpet’, ‘ohlc’, ‘candlestick’, ‘area’
According to my sessionInfo() I have installed plotly version
Any ideas?
October 16, 2017, 2:53pm
Hey @ginberg ,
Perhaps, try restarting R. I’m able to run the code, in RStudio, from the blog.
other attached packages:
[1] plotly_4.7.1.9000 ggplot2_2.2.1.9000
Ah, I got it working by restarting RStudio. Thank you!
October 16, 2017, 3:58pm
FYI, we just pushed an update today (16/10/2017), which avoids drawing axes (by default) in table trace types.
So you can restart your R session and rerun devtools::install_github("ropensci/plotly")
to update.
This will mean that you can omit these lines when making tables:
layout(xaxis = list(zeroline = F, showgrid = F, showticklabels = F),
yaxis = list(zeroline = F, showgrid = F, showticklabels = F))
nice update. I also cannot imagine why anyone would like to display the axis at a table
hi @bcd , is it also possible to add a hovertext with a table? I tried it, but it doesn’t seem to work.
I have got a column that contains a lot of text. I would like to display only the first x characters in the table and make the complete text available when you hover over the cell…