Individually color side ticks of a plotly.graph_objects.Bar

I have a dataframe dfc which I want to plot as a bar chart with the color of the tick on the yaxis depending on the value of dfc.iloc[i].values[1] for any value i.

                                                           Unnamed: 1  claimed_benefit  perceived_benefit
My Burberry - Eau de Parfum                           je me sens bien                0           0.000000
Her Intense - Eau de Parfum                         convient bien moi                0           0.000000
Her Intense - Eau de Parfum                          sensuelle / sexy                0           0.000000
Her Intense - Eau de Parfum                                  nettoyer                0           0.000000
Her Intense - Eau de Parfum                             haute qualite                0           0.000000
...                                                               ...              ...                ...
Mr. Burberry Indigo - Eau de Toilette  nouveau / jamais respire avant                0           0.666667

In order to achieve that I tried this answer by updating the ticktext value of the yaxis property in the layout, as it seems that plotly has full LaTeX support.

traces = []
ticks = []
colors = []
for i in range(len(dfc)):
    if dfc.iloc[i].name == my_dropdown:
        trace_claimed = go.Bar(y=[dfc.iloc[i].values[0]], x=[dfc.iloc[i].values[2]],
                               name=dfc.iloc[i].values[0] + ' Perceived', orientation='h')

        tick = dfc.iloc[i].values[0]

        if dfc.iloc[i].values[1] > 0:
            color = 'red'
            color = 'blue'

            # traces.append(trace_perceived)

keys = dict(zip(ticks, colors))
ticktext = [get_color(v, k) for k, v in keys.items()]

figure = go.Figure(data=traces,
                   layout=go.Layout(title='Score des parfums sur les attributs',

    yaxis=dict(tickmode='array', ticktext=ticktext, tickvals=ticks)

However it only produces a weird text for the ticks:

enter image description here

Here is the ticktext value:

['$\\color{blue}{je me sens bien}$', '$\\color{blue}{harsh / agressif}$', '$\\color{blue}{boisé}$', '$\\color{blue}{écœurant}$', '$\\color{blue}{strength1}$', ..., '$\\color{red}{frais}$', '$\\color{blue}{pour le soir / nuit}$', '$\\color{blue}{doux}$']

Here is a minimal reproducible example:

import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import pandas as pd
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join

app = Dash(__name__)

def get_color(color, text):
    s = '$\color{' + str(color) + '}{' + str(text) + '}$'
    return s

df = pd.read_csv('some_file.csv')

def layout():
    return html.Div([
            options=[{'label': x, 'value': x} for x in df.index.unique()],
            value='My Burberry - Eau de Parfum'

    Output(component_id='graph-attributes', component_property='figure'),
    [Input(component_id="perfume-dropdown", component_property="value")]
def update_graph(my_dropdown):
    dfc = df.sort_values(by='perceived_benefit', ascending=True)
    traces = []
    ticks = []
    colors = []
    for i in range(len(dfc)):
        if dfc.iloc[i].name == my_dropdown:
            trace_claimed = go.Bar(y=[dfc.iloc[i].values[0]], x=[dfc.iloc[i].values[2]],
                                   name=dfc.iloc[i].values[0] + ' Perceived', orientation='h')

            tick = dfc.iloc[i].values[0]

            if dfc.iloc[i].values[1] > 0:
                color = 'red'
                color = 'blue'

                # traces.append(trace_perceived)

    keys = dict(zip(ticks, colors))
    ticktext = [get_color(v, k) for k, v in keys.items()]


    figure = go.Figure(data=traces,
                       layout=go.Layout(title='Score des parfums sur les attributs',

        yaxis=dict(tickmode='array', ticktext=ticktext, tickvals=ticks)

    return figure

It works if the yaxis_ticktext is defined as below, and the list ,yaxis_tickvals, coincides with the list of y-values in the Bar definition:

fig= go.Figure(go.Bar(x=[12, 10, 8, 11, 9], y=[1,2,3,4, 5], orientation="h"))
fig.update_layout(width=700, height=300, yaxis_tickvals=[1,2,3,4,5],
yaxis_ticktext =['$\\color{blue}{\\text{je me sens bien}}$', 