Hello @angusm112,
Welcome to the community!
It looks like something about your data isn’t quite right.
Have you made sure to sum the data before representing it?
Also, code helps go a long way. If you could please provide the example app for how this is demonstrating, then that will help us, help you.
Hi @angusm112 !
My guess is that you used a bar plot, you should try with a histogram, take a look here:
Or as suggested by @jinnyzor you should aggregate your data before render it with your bar plot.
That would be easier indeed with some code
Hi thank you for your help on this - yes I can show you the code:
its a matplotlib graph:
Sort the DataFrame by Crime Rate in descending order to highlight the highest crime rate state
usacrime_df_sorted = usacrime_df.sort_values(by=‘Crime Rate’, ascending=False)
Select the state with the highest crime rate
highest_crime_state = usacrime_df_sorted.iloc[0]
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
Plot bars for all states in grey
plt.bar(usacrime_df_sorted[‘States’], usacrime_df_sorted[‘Crime Rate’], color=‘grey’)
Highlight the highest crime rate state (Florida) in red
plt.bar(highest_crime_state[‘States’], highest_crime_state[‘Crime Rate’], color=‘red’, label=‘Florida’)
Annotate Florida’s crime rate on the graph
plt.text(highest_crime_state[‘States’], highest_crime_state[‘Crime Rate’], highest_crime_state[‘Crime Rate’],
ha=‘center’, va=‘bottom’)
plt.title(‘States with Crime Rates (1975-2015)’)
plt.ylabel(‘Crime Rate Count’)
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha=‘right’)
plt.tight_layout() # Adjust layout to prevent clipping of labels
plt.legend() # Show legend
#Creating a new colomn called ‘Crime Rate Average’ to look at Average crime rates amoungst all States
Check the data types of each column
If any of the columns are not numeric, you can convert them to numeric data type
usacrime_df[‘Crime Rate’] = pd.to_numeric(usacrime_df[‘Crime Rate’], errors=‘coerce’)
usacrime_df[‘Homicide Rate’] = pd.to_numeric(usacrime_df[‘Homicide Rate’], errors=‘coerce’)
usacrime_df[‘Rape Crime Rate’] = pd.to_numeric(usacrime_df[‘Rape Crime Rate’], errors=‘coerce’)
usacrime_df[‘Assault Rate’] = pd.to_numeric(usacrime_df[‘Assault Rate’], errors=‘coerce’)
usacrime_df[‘Robbery Rate’] = pd.to_numeric(usacrime_df[‘Robbery Rate’], errors=‘coerce’)
Now, calculate the mean
usacrime_df[‘Crime Rate Average’] = usacrime_df[[‘Crime Rate’, ‘Homicide Rate’, ‘Rape Crime Rate’, ‘Assault Rate’, ‘Robbery Rate’]].mean(axis=1)
Drop the decimal by converting to integer
usacrime_df[‘Crime Rate Average’] = usacrime_df[‘Crime Rate Average’].astype(int)
Sort the DataFrame by Crime Rate Average in descending order
usacrime_df_sorted = usacrime_df.sort_values(by=‘Crime Rate Average’, ascending=False)
Get the top state with the highest Crime Rate Average
top_state = usacrime_df_sorted.iloc[0]
Plot the bar chart
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.bar(usacrime_df_sorted[‘States’], usacrime_df_sorted[‘Crime Rate Average’], color=‘grey’) # Plot all bars in grey
plt.bar(top_state[‘States’], top_state[‘Crime Rate Average’], color=‘red’, label=f’{top_state[“States”]} Crime Rate Average’) # Highlight the top state in red
plt.ylabel(‘Crime Rate Average Count’)
plt.title(‘Crime Rate Average by State (1975-2015)’)
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha=‘right’)
Annotate Florida’s crime rate
plt.annotate(f’{top_state[“Crime Rate Average”]}',
xy=(top_state[‘States’], top_state[‘Crime Rate Average’]),
xytext=(0, 3),
textcoords=‘offset points’,
color=‘black’) # Adjust xytext to position the annotation above the bar
#Sort the DataFrame by Crime Rate Average in descending order
usacrime_df_sorted = usacrime_df.sort_values(by=‘Crime Rate Average’, ascending=False)
Get the top state with the highest Crime Rate Average
top_state = usacrime_df_sorted.iloc[0]
Get the state with the lowest Crime Rate Average
lowest_state = usacrime_df_sorted.iloc[-1]
Plot the bar chart
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
Plot all bars in grey
plt.bar(usacrime_df_sorted[‘States’], usacrime_df_sorted[‘Crime Rate Average’], color=‘grey’)
Highlight the top state in red
plt.bar(top_state[‘States’], top_state[‘Crime Rate Average’], color=‘red’, label=f’{top_state[“States”]} Crime Rate Average’)
Highlight the lowest state in blue
plt.bar(lowest_state[‘States’], lowest_state[‘Crime Rate Average’], color=‘blue’, label=f’{lowest_state[“States”]} Crime Rate Average’)
Annotate top state’s crime rate
plt.annotate(f’{top_state[“Crime Rate Average”]}',
xy=(top_state[‘States’], top_state[‘Crime Rate Average’]),
xytext=(0, 3),
textcoords=‘offset points’,
Annotate lowest state’s crime rate
plt.annotate(f’{lowest_state[“Crime Rate Average”]}',
xy=(lowest_state[‘States’], lowest_state[‘Crime Rate Average’]),
xytext=(0, 3),
textcoords=‘offset points’,
Annotate Virginia’s crime rate above the bar
plt.annotate(f’{lowest_state[“Crime Rate Average”]}',
xy=(lowest_state[‘States’], lowest_state[‘Crime Rate Average’]),
xytext=(0, 3),
textcoords=‘offset points’,
plt.ylabel(‘Crime Rate Average Count’)
plt.title(‘Crime Rate Average by State (1975-2015)’)
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha=‘right’)
Filter the DataFrame to include only years between 2000 and 2015
usacrime_df_filtered = usacrime_df[(usacrime_df[‘Report Year’] >= 2000) & (usacrime_df[‘Report Year’] <= 2015)]
Sort the filtered DataFrame by Crime Rate in descending order to highlight the highest crime rate state
usacrime_df_sorted = usacrime_df_filtered.sort_values(by=‘Crime Rate’, ascending=False)
Select the state with the highest crime rate
highest_crime_state = usacrime_df_sorted.iloc[0]
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
Plot bars for all states in grey
plt.bar(usacrime_df_sorted[‘States’], usacrime_df_sorted[‘Crime Rate’], color=‘grey’)
Highlight the highest crime rate state (Florida) in red
plt.bar(highest_crime_state[‘States’], highest_crime_state[‘Crime Rate’], color=‘red’, label=‘Georiga’)
Annotate Florida’s crime rate on the graph
plt.text(highest_crime_state[‘States’], highest_crime_state[‘Crime Rate’], highest_crime_state[‘Crime Rate’],
ha=‘center’, va=‘bottom’)
plt.title(‘States with Crime Rates (2000-2015)’)
plt.ylabel(‘Crime Rate Count’)
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha=‘right’) # Rotate x-axis labels for better readability
plt.tight_layout() # Adjust layout to prevent clipping of labels
plt.legend() # Show legend
2222## Filter the DataFrame to include only years between 2000 and 2015
usacrime_df_filtered = usacrime_df[(usacrime_df[‘Report Year’] >= 2000) & (usacrime_df[‘Report Year’] <= 2015)]
Sort the filtered DataFrame by Crime Rate in descending order to highlight the highest crime rate state
usacrime_df_sorted = usacrime_df_filtered.sort_values(by=‘Crime Rate’, ascending=False)
Select the state with the highest crime rate
highest_crime_state = usacrime_df_sorted.iloc[0]
Select the state with the lowest crime rate
lowest_crime_state = usacrime_df_sorted.iloc[-1]
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
Plot bars for all states in grey
plt.bar(usacrime_df_sorted[‘States’], usacrime_df_sorted[‘Crime Rate’], color=‘grey’)
Highlight the highest crime rate state (Georgia) in red
plt.bar(highest_crime_state[‘States’], highest_crime_state[‘Crime Rate’], color=‘red’, label=‘Georgia’)
Annotate Georgia’s crime rate on the graph
plt.text(highest_crime_state[‘States’], highest_crime_state[‘Crime Rate’], highest_crime_state[‘Crime Rate’],
ha=‘center’, va=‘bottom’)
Plot bars for the lowest crime rate state (Virginia) in blue
plt.bar(lowest_crime_state[‘States’], lowest_crime_state[‘Crime Rate’], color=‘blue’, label=‘Virginia’)
Annotate Virginia’s crime rate on the graph
plt.text(lowest_crime_state[‘States’], lowest_crime_state[‘Crime Rate’], lowest_crime_state[‘Crime Rate’],
ha=‘center’, va=‘bottom’)
plt.title(‘States with Crime Rates (2000-2015)’)
plt.ylabel(‘Crime Rate Count’)
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha=‘right’) # Rotate x-axis labels for better readability
plt.tight_layout() # Adjust layout to prevent clipping of labels
plt.legend() # Show legend