I was wondering how html.Tbody to align the texts to the right.
I tried to use style = {‘textAlign’ : ‘right’}, but this did not work.
(Also tried writing CSS, but still did not work)
You’re going to have to use the style_data element instead of just style. Tables have slightly different styling code. check Dash Core Components for them all. below is what you need though.
This works, until you use “presentation”: “markdown” in your columns. Then the text-align field is ignored, for some reason. This would be ok if you could use ‘
’ in your cells as per the CommonMark specs, but that results in literally printing ‘
Now the docs for dcc.Markdown specify the " dangerously_allow_html" boolean, which I suppose is what prevents inline HTML, but there is no way to switch this on in the columns context, as far as I can see. Any ideas?