I’m trying to a webpage, this page includes a choropleth map of the world with data based on the selected year. I want to be able to change the year and with that also update the map to match that year. I prefer to do this with the Dash slider, although any other way I would appreciate as well.
I’ve tried updating other graphs such as line charts with the text input, and that worked, but when i changed it to a choropleth map it stopped updating. It now only creates the map but updates on it don’t show up. I’ve put some print text in the update function and it confirmed that it is actually called when I change the input, but the graph just doesn’t update.
The layout:with the dcc.input i want to update the html.Div ‘my-div’
app.layout = html.Div( children=[
children='UN Sustainable Development goal: Poverty',
'textAlign': 'center',
'color': colors
dcc.Input(id='my-id',value='30', type='text'),
], style={
'textAlign': 'center'
The update part
Output('my-div', 'children'),
[Input('my-id', 'value')])
def update_output_div(input_value):
return dcc.Graph(
figure={'data': [go.Choropleth(
locations = df_pov['Country Code'],
z = df_pov.iloc[:,int(input_value)],
text = df_pov['Country Name'],
autocolorscale = True,
reversescale = False,
marker = go.choropleth.Marker(
line = go.choropleth.marker.Line(
color = 'rgb(180,180,180)',
width = 0.5
colorbar = go.choropleth.ColorBar(
tickprefix = '%',
title = '% below 1.90$ '),
'layout': go.Layout(
title = go.layout.Title(
text = list(df_pov)[int(input_value)]
geo = go.layout.Geo(
showframe = False,
showcoastlines = False,
projection = go.layout.geo.Projection(
type = 'equirectangular'
annotations = [go.layout.Annotation(
x = 0.55,
y = 0.1,
xref = 'paper',
yref = 'paper',
text = 'Source: Kaggle',
showarrow = False
What i expected: for the choropleth to update when changing the text input, or slider input. Actual: the map gets created once ( with the same function that should update it), but doesn’t update.