How to show a Timedelta series to hovertemplate?

Hi everyone, I have a df with this data:

and I add a trace in my figure >>

# Add traces (1)
        go.Bar(x=f_df[x], y=f_df[y1], name="Tiempo",
               customdata=f_df[["t_total_sec", "n_veces", "porcent"]],
               "<b>T(s): </b>%{customdata[0]}<br>" +
               "<b>paradas: </b>%{customdata[1]}<br>" +
               "%{customdata[2]:.2f} %<br><br>" +
        secondary_y=False, row=1, col=1

and this produces the following result >>

In my hover_data the time is shown in seconds, but this is confusing when that time is too large, and as I also have a column with the time in type timedelta64, the idea is to add that column to my hovertemplate but I have this error >>

Could someone please help me on how to do this if it is possible?

thanks a lot !

hi again,
For now, I have solved my problem by converting my Timedelta column into a new one of String type

# Timedelta to string >>
f_df['t_total_str'] = f_df.t_total.astype('str')

… and work fine >>

Is there another more efficient way to do this?

Thanks again !!!