Hi Anthony, I use netstat -aon | findstr ‘80’ to check which application is using port 80 and it didn’t return anything which means port 80 is not used by other application. Am I doing right? Thanks for help
I would suggest just visiting your IP using port 80 or just http. I think the issue is not with Dash but your IT department I’d suggest taking @chriddyp 's offer if your company is willing to pay for it. It would make your life easier.
Thanks Chris, I have already contacted you guys yesterday. Thanks for the information
Rudan, how did you solve this issue? I am getting the same problem after upgrading from dash 2.9.3 to 2.16.1
When I run the code on ipython (spyder) it complains like you described. However when running with python its ok. Same python installation of course.
Just add to this, in ipython app.run() is non-blocking whereas when running the dash code in python app.run() is blocking.
How odd is that?
hi @mojo
Are you using Dash Enterprise?
If not, I would recommend trying to deploy your app on pythonanywhere. It’s not too complicated and it’s a great way to share your app.
I am thinking of getting Dash Enterprise. PythonAnywhere is not an option, since it is not an on-prem solution.
Is there issue I am experiencing by upgrading due to the fact that I do not have Dash Enterprise?
hi @mojo
I don’t think the upgrading issue is related to not having DE.
I wonder if it has to do with the Python IDE Spyder. I’ve had issues when working with Spyder before.
What error message do you get?
You may be right, this could be an iPython thing. I can reproduce it using iPython running in cmd. But cant reproduce it using Python.
The message I get is the same as the original post:
ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=8888): Max retries exceeded with url: /_alive_4627937e-8baf-491f-89af-2cfafecf935c (Caused by NewConnectionError(’<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x000002D35679BCA0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10049] The requested address is not valid in its context’))
Also in addition to this, in iPython, app.run() is non-blocking, and so the main program terminates but the server is still running and I can see my Dash on a browser. In Python app.run() blocks, which is as I expect.