How to set the mapbox zoom level in a plotly template?

Can I set the default zoom level for mapbox plots in a template? I have the following example code:

# Import
import as px
from plotly import io as pio, __version__ as pver

# Show version
print(f"plotly version: {pver}")

# Create dummy data
lat = [52.37726, 52.3772, 52.375927, 52.375809, 52.37568, 52.37536, 52.37521, 52.37495]
lon = [4.90079, 4.901705, 4.904613, 4.9048, 4.905146, 4.90588, 4.906141, 4.90661]

# Show plot
fig = px.scatter_mapbox(lat=lat, lon=lon, mapbox_style="open-street-map", title="Default zoom")
Fold out for output

Now if I set the mapbox properties in the template, my expectation would be that that would be reflected in the plot:

# Adjust zoom level in template
pio.templates["plotly"].layout.mapbox.zoom = 13

fig_template = px.scatter_mapbox(lat=lat, lon=lon, mapbox_style="open-street-map", title="Zoom from template", template="plotly")
But unfortunately that's not the case, the `zoom` property is still at the default value of 8:

Adjust another property of the template, e.g. the margin, does work, although I don’t see the values being reflected in the layout object:

pio.templates["plotly"].layout.margin = dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0)
fig_template = px.scatter_mapbox(lat=lat, lon=lon, mapbox_style="open-street-map", title="No margin", template="plotly")
Show no margin plot

How can I set a mapbox property in a template?
Ideally I would be able to set the zoom, center and style properties in a template and re-use that, such that I don’t have to set it for each plot.

One workaround I stumbled upon just after posting is by removing the mapbox dict from the layout object, the template values seem to be respected then.

pio.templates["plotly"].layout.mapbox.zoom = 13
pio.templates["plotly"] = "open-street-map"
pio.templates["plotly"] = {"lat": 52.374, "lon": 4.898}
pio.templates["plotly"].layout.margin = dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0)
fig_template = px.scatter_mapbox(lat=lat, lon=lon, title="No margin", template="plotly")

# Here I remove all mapbox properties from the figure
fig_template.layout.mapbox = {}

However, this is tedious to do after each figure creation, and it removes all mapbox properties, so I need to ensure that I’ve set the center property for example in the template, otherwise I am centered on the middle of the ocean.
So, this is not a solution unfortunately.

Another workaround I found, which is less intrusive, is to set the zoom property to None. The template then takes over:

pio.templates["plotly"].layout.mapbox.zoom = 13
pio.templates["plotly"] = "open-street-map"
pio.templates["plotly"].layout.margin = dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0)
fig_template = px.scatter_mapbox(lat=lat, lon=lon, zoom=None, template="plotly")

Above workarounds indicate that apparently the px.scatter_mapbox function sets defaults that override the template. How can I stop px from doing that?