if there are nested html elements with callbacks (e.g. a button inside a div and both have callbacks), how do I detect which one fired?
Minimal working example:
import dash
import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
app = dash.Dash()
app.layout = html.Div(id="div", style={"background": "yellow", "padding": "200px"}, children=[
html.Button(id="button", children="show infotext"),
html.Div(id="info", children="INFOTEXT", style={"display": "none"})
Output("info", "style"),
[Input("button", "n_clicks"),
Input("div", "n_clicks")])
def test(btn, div):
ctx = dash.callback_context
print("Callback", ctx.triggered)
prop_ids = [x['prop_id'].split('.')[0] for x in ctx.triggered]
if "button" in prop_ids:
print("Action: show")
return {"display": "block"}
print("Action: hide")
return {"display": "none"}
When the button is pressed, I want to show the info box. When the background is clicked, I want to hide the infobox. Simple. This code would have worked in Dash 1.12, because back then, the callback was executed once only and prop_ids was a list of all callbacks ([“button”, “div”] when clicking on the button and [“div”] when clicking on the div).
However, since 1.13, dash behaves differently. The callback function is now executed twice, one time for the button callback and one time for the div. This makes it impossible to figure out which one was actually pressed.
Example output for the above code after clicking one time on the button (the None callback is just the initial callback on load an can be ignored):
Callback [{'prop_id': '.', 'value': None}]
Action: hide
Callback [{'prop_id': 'button.n_clicks', 'value': 1}]
Action: show
Callback [{'prop_id': 'div.n_clicks', 'value': 1}]
Action: hide
So, the button callback is executed, the infobox is displayed, but then the div div callback always hides the infobox.
How can I get around this?