How to save and access multiple data frames from dcc.Store in plotly dash

Hi @UdayGuntupalli

I’m happy to help with this, but you can make things easier by simplifying your app. Try creating a minimal example that isolates the feature you are working on. This makes debugging so much easier. Check out this post for some guidelines on how to do this: How to Get your Questions Answered on the Plotly Forum

Looking at your code, "contents" and "filename" are not properties of the html.Button. There may be other things that cause the issue as well, but it’s a lot of code to review.

    Output({"type": "dynamic-store", "index": MATCH}, "data"),
        Input({"type": "dynamic-button", "index": MATCH}, "contents"),
        Input({"type": "dynamic-button", "index": MATCH}, "filename")