I am a big fan of cufflinks’ solar theme, and I want to use the same theme in plotly.express so that I can use the same theme in dash. Even after spending a few hours on reading cufflinks’ source code, I can’t quite figure out what is the parameter of the theme, and how I can port it to plotly.express. Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @chainster_mike the solar theme is defined here in the cufflinks source code. The plotly solution would be to define a template. You can write your own template using the parameters of cufflinks, and if you would be interested in contributing this to plotly, please open an issue in https://github.com/plotly/plotly.py/issues/new to start the discussion whether we want to include a new template with the plotly package or not (ideally including screenshots of the theme). Thanks!
Thanks! I will give it a try at writing the template first, and I will open the issue as well. For me, the reason for wanting to have a solar theme is because I often use cufflinks and plotly.express at the same notebook, so it will be nice to have a consistent theme through out. Also, I like the color sequence of the solar better.