How to plot chart using API endpoint instead of CSV

I’m new to ploty and have been going through the examples, however, the chart I’m trying to make shows an example with a .CSV file as the source data. How do I go about pulling in data from an API endpoint instead of .CSV? Is there any way I can just replace the link to the csv with my JSON data at my API endpoint? I’m going through the example that shows this time series with range slider chart:

Plotly.d3.csv("", function(err, rows){

    function unpack(rows, key) {
    return { return row[key]; });

    var trace1 = {
    type: "scatter",
    mode: "lines",
    name: 'AAPL High',
    x: unpack(rows, 'Date'),
    y: unpack(rows, 'AAPL.High'),
    line: {color: '#17BECF'}

    var trace2 = {
    type: "scatter",
    mode: "lines",
    name: 'AAPL Low',
    x: unpack(rows, 'Date'),
    y: unpack(rows, 'AAPL.Low'),
    line: {color: '#7F7F7F'}

    var data = [trace1,trace2];

    var layout = {
    title: 'Time Series with Rangeslider',
    xaxis: {
    autorange: true,
    range: ['2015-02-17', '2017-02-16'],
    rangeselector: {buttons: [
            count: 1,
            label: '1m',
            step: 'month',
            stepmode: 'backward'
            count: 6,
            label: '6m',
            step: 'month',
            stepmode: 'backward'
        {step: 'all'}
    rangeslider: {range: ['2015-02-17', '2017-02-16']},
    type: 'date'
    yaxis: {
    autorange: true,
    range: [86.8700008333, 138.870004167],
    type: 'linear'

    Plotly.newPlot('tester', data, layout);

Using Plotly.d3.json instead of Plotly.d3.csv should do the trick.