I have a simple problem, I want to overlay two rgb images (np.arrays with three channels and same size) over each other, with opacity setting for the top so I can see both.
However, the result is just a black image.
If I switch the order of opacities, I get only the bottom image (half dimmed), but the top image is not shown.
Do you have an idea how to do it?
Hi @Madrigallo maybe something with your images? I tried this:
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import PIL.Image as Image
images = []
for i, color in zip(range(2), ['red', 'blue']):
# create some png files
fig = go.Figure(go.Scatter(x=np.arange(10), y=np.random.randint(2,10,10), mode='markers+lines', marker_color=color))
# open files with PIL
# create base figure
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Image(z=images[0]), layout={'height': 800, 'width': 800})
# add trace
fig.add_trace(go.Image(z=images[1], opacity=0.1))
Alright, sorry for the confusion. I realised I had some stray objects defined from before.
Just could you clarify for me what datatype should be passed to z argument in go.Image? It’s numpy array, with 1 or more channels, right?
Concerning the z argument: either an Image object (as in my example) or a numpy array with 3 or 4 channels. For gray scale images (1 channel) you can use the go.Heatmap() as go.Image() won’t work.
Oooh so! That might be the reason why I was not seeing one of my images, since it was grayscale. So I’ll try combining go.Image and go.Heatmap. Thanks!
Edit: One more question, is there a good resource page where I could’ve read this information, that go.Image is for rgb and go.Heatmap should be used for grayscale instead? I feel there must be and I just missed it. I’m aware of all the API plotly documentation, but I think I didn’t find it there. Thanks!
Unfortunately I don’t know. I just found out responding to your question (adding/removing channels) I knew that go.Heatmap() only works with 2D arrays, so I figured that there might be a restriction to go.Image()too concerning the array shape.
@Madrigallo@AIMPED If someone is interested, in Image processing there is an operation called alpha-blending, i.e. two images of different alpha are overlayed. One is the background image, and another the foreground.
As example let us take the following two images:
import skimage.io as sio
import plotly.express as px
imgbg= sio.imread("bgimage.png")
figbg=px.imshow(imgbg, width=500, height=500)
figbg.update_layout(xaxis_visible=False, yaxis_visible=False)
imgfg= sio.imread("fgimage.png")
figfg=px.imshow(imgfg, width=500, height=500)
figfg.update_layout(xaxis_visible=False, yaxis_visible=False)
alphabg= 0.3 # the parameter for the background image
alphafg = 0.9 # parameter for the foreground image
#convex combination of the arrays representing the two images
blendarray = (alphabg * imgbg + alphafg*(1-alphabg)* imgfg)/(alphabg+alphafg*(1-alphabg))
blendimg.update_layout(xaxis_visible=False, yaxis_visible=False)